Methods to Analyse Signed Networks

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Documentation for package ‘signnet’ version 1.0.4

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as_adj_complex Convert a signed graph to a complex adjacency matrix
as_adj_signed Convert a signed graph to a signed adjacency matrix
as_complex_edges Convert Signed Network to Complex
as_incidence_complex Complex Incidence Matrix
as_incidence_signed Convert a signed two-mode network to a signed matrix
as_signed_proj convert unsigned projection to signed
as_unsigned_2mode convert signed two-mode network to unsigned
avatar Signed networks from Avatar: The Last Airbender
balance_score balancedness of signed network
complex_walks Count Walks in complex signed network
count_complex_triangles count complex triangles
count_signed_triangles count signed triangles
cowList Signed networks from Correlates of War
degree_signed Signed Degree
eigen_centrality_signed Signed Eigenvector centrality
frustration_exact Exact frustration index of a signed network
ggblock Plot Blockmodel matrix
ggsigned Plot a signed or complex network
graph_circular_signed circular signed graph
graph_from_adjacency_matrix_signed Create signed graphs from adjacency matrices
graph_from_edgelist_signed Create a signed graph from an edgelist matrix
is_signed Check if network is a signed network
laplacian_matrix_complex Complex Graph Laplacian
laplacian_matrix_signed Signed Graph Laplacian
pn_index PN Centrality Index
sample_bipartite_signed Bipartite random signed graphs
sample_gnp_signed Generate random signed graphs according to the G(n,p) Erdos-Renyi model
sample_islands_signed A graph with random subgraphs connected by negative edges
signed_blockmodel Blockmodeling for signed networks
signed_blockmodel_general Generalized blockmodeling for signed networks
signed_triangles list signed triangles
triad_census_signed signed triad census
tribes Signed network of New Guinean highland tribes