Interface to 'Sigma.js' Graph Visualization Library

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Documentation for package ‘sigmajs’ version 0.1.5

Help Pages

color-scale Color
force Add forceAtlas2
lesmis_edges Edges from co-appearances of characters in "Les Miserables"
lesmis_igraph Co-appearances of characters in "Les Miserables" as igraph object
lesmis_nodes Nodes from co-appearances of characters in "Les Miserables"
read Read
read-batch Batch read
read-static Read
renderSigmajs Shiny bindings for sigmajs
sg_add_edges Add nodes and edges
sg_add_edges_delay_p Add nodes or edges with a delay
sg_add_edges_p Add nodes or edges
sg_add_edge_p Add node or edge
sg_add_images Add images to nodes
sg_add_nodes Add nodes and edges
sg_add_nodes_delay_p Add nodes or edges with a delay
sg_add_nodes_p Add nodes or edges
sg_add_node_p Add node or edge
sg_animate Animate
sg_button Buttons
sg_change_edges_p Change
sg_change_nodes_p Change
sg_clear Clear or kill the graph
sg_clear_p Clear or kill the graph
sg_cluster Cluster
sg_custom_shapes Custom shapes
sg_drag_nodes Drag nodes
sg_drag_nodes_kill_p Drag nodes
sg_drag_nodes_start_p Drag nodes
sg_drop_edges Drop
sg_drop_edges_delay_p Drop nodes or edges with a delay
sg_drop_edges_p Drop nodes or edges
sg_drop_edge_p Remove node or edge
sg_drop_nodes Drop
sg_drop_nodes_delay_p Drop nodes or edges with a delay
sg_drop_nodes_p Drop nodes or edges
sg_drop_node_p Remove node or edge
sg_edges Add nodes and edges
sg_edges2 Add nodes and edges
sg_events Events
sg_export_img Export
sg_export_img_p Export
sg_export_svg Export
sg_export_svg_p Export
sg_filter_eq_p Filter
sg_filter_gt_p Filter
sg_filter_lt_p Filter
sg_filter_neighbours_p Filter
sg_filter_not_eq_p Filter
sg_filter_undo_p Filter
sg_force Add forceAtlas2
sg_force_config_p Add forceAtlas2
sg_force_kill_p Add forceAtlas2
sg_force_restart Add forceAtlas2
sg_force_restart_p Add forceAtlas2
sg_force_start Add forceAtlas2
sg_force_start_p Add forceAtlas2
sg_force_stop Add forceAtlas2
sg_force_stop_p Add forceAtlas2
sg_from_gexf Graph from GEXF file
sg_from_igraph Create from igraph
sg_get_cluster Cluster
sg_get_edges_p Get nodes
sg_get_layout Layouts
sg_get_nodes_p Get nodes
sg_kill Clear or kill the graph
sg_kill_p Clear or kill the graph
sg_layout Layouts
sg_make_edges Generate data
sg_make_nodes Generate data
sg_make_nodes_edges Generate data
sg_neighbors Highlight neighbours
sg_neighbors_p Highlight neighbours
sg_neighbours Highlight neighbours
sg_neighbours_p Highlight neighbours
sg_nodes Add nodes and edges
sg_nodes2 Add nodes and edges
sg_noverlap No overlap
sg_noverlap_p No overlap
sg_progress Text
sg_read_delay_edges_p Batch read
sg_read_delay_exec_p Batch read
sg_read_delay_nodes_p Batch read
sg_read_edges Read
sg_read_edges_p Read
sg_read_exec Read
sg_read_exec_p Read
sg_read_nodes Read
sg_read_nodes_p Read
sg_refresh_p Refresh instance
sg_relative_size Relative node sizes
sg_scale_color Color
sg_settings Settings
sg_settings_p Settings
sg_zoom_p Zoom
sigmajs Initialise
sigmajs-shiny Shiny bindings for sigmajs
sigmajsOutput Shiny bindings for sigmajs
sigmajsProxy Shiny bindings for sigmajs