testIndepTimeMark {sievePH}R Documentation

Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Type Test of Conditional Independence between the Time-to-Event and a Multivariate Mark Given Treatment


A nonparametric Komogorov-Smirnov-type test of the null hypothesis that the time-to-event TT and a possibly multivariate mark VV are conditionally independent given treatment ZZ as described in Juraska and Gilbert (2013). The conditional independence is a necessary assumption for parameter identifiability in the time-independent density ratio model. A bootstrap algorithm is used to compute the p-value.


testIndepTimeMark(data, iter = 1000)



a data frame restricted to subjects in a given treatment group with the following columns (in this order): the observed right-censored time to the event of interest, the event indicator (1 if event, 0 if right-censored), and the mark variable (one column for each component, if multivariate)


the number of bootstrap iterations (1000 by default) used for computing the p-value


The test statistic is the supremum of the difference between the estimated conditional joint cumulative distribution function (cdf) of (T,V)(T,V) given ZZ and the product of the estimated conditional cdfs of TT and VV given ZZ. The joint cdf is estimated by the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator developed by Huang and Louis (1998). The marginal cdf of TT is estimated as one minus the Kaplan-Meier estimator for the conditional survival function of TT, and the cdf of VV is estimated as the empirical cdf of the observed values of VV. A bootstrap algorithm is used to compute the p-value.


Returns the bootstrap p-value from the test of conditional independence between TT and VV given ZZ.


Juraska, M. and Gilbert, P. B. (2013), Mark-specific hazard ratio model with multivariate continuous marks: an application to vaccine efficacy. Biometrics 69(2):328–337.

Huang, Y. and Louis, T. (1998), Nonparametric estimation of the joint distribution of survival time and mark variables. Biometrika 85, 785–798.


n <- 500
tx <- rep(0:1, each=n/2)
tm <- c(rexp(n/2, 0.2), rexp(n/2, 0.2 * exp(-0.4)))
cens <- runif(n, 0, 15)
eventTime <- pmin(tm, cens, 3)
eventInd <- as.numeric(tm <= pmin(cens, 3))
mark1 <- ifelse(eventInd==1, c(rbeta(n/2, 2, 5), rbeta(n/2, 2, 2)), NA)
mark2 <- ifelse(eventInd==1, c(rbeta(n/2, 1, 3), rbeta(n/2, 5, 1)), NA)

# perform the test for a univariate mark in the placebo group
testIndepTimeMark(data.frame(eventTime, eventInd, mark1)[tx==0, ], iter=20)

# perform the test for a bivariate mark in the placebo group
testIndepTimeMark(data.frame(eventTime, eventInd, mark1, mark2)[tx==0, ], iter=20)

[Package sievePH version 1.1 Index]