sidier-package |
SIDIER: Substitution and Indel Distances to Infer Evolutionary Relationships |
alignExample |
example alignment #1 ('DNAbin' class) |
assign.whole.taxo |
Get taxonomy described in sequence names | |
Barcode gap identification |
barcode.quality |
Estimates of barcode quality |
barcode.summary |
Summary of the inter- and intraspecific distances |
Indel distances following Barriel method |
colour.scheme |
internal function for node colour scheme |
compare.dist |
Threshold to discriminate species comparing intra- and interspecific distance distributions |
distance.comb |
Distance matrices combination |
double.plot |
Haplotype and population networks including mutations and haplotype frequencies. |
Example_Spatial.plot_Alignment |
example alignment #1 (fasta format) |
ex_alignment1 |
example alignment #1 |
ex_BLAST |
example BLAST output |
ex_Coords |
example coordinates |
Indel distances following the fifth state rationale |
filter.whole.taxo |
Get consensus taxonomy |
FilterHaplo |
Filter haplotypes by occurrence |
FindHaplo |
Find equal haplotypes |
genbank.sp.names |
Species names from genbank accessions |
get.majority.taxo |
Get majority taxonomy for a sequence |
GetHaplo |
Get sequences of unique haplotypes |
HapPerPop |
Returns the number of haplotypes per population. |
inter.intra.plot |
Histogram of the intra- and interspecific distances |
Modified Complex Indel Coding as distance matrix |
mergeNodes |
Merges nodes showing distance values equal to zero | |
Haplotype network depiction including mutations |
mutationSummary |
Summary of observed mutations |
NINA.thr |
No Isolated Nodes Allowed network | |
substitution and indel distance combinations |
perc.thr |
Percolation threshold network | |
Population network depiction including haplotype frequencies |
pop.dist |
Distances among populations |
rule |
Threshold to discriminate species. |
Indel distances following the Simple Index Coding method |
sidier |
SIDIER: Substitution and Indel Distances to Infer Evolutionary Relationships | |
Network showing modules as nodes |
simuEvolution |
Simulate sequences evolution | |
Plot a network given a threshold | |
Get modules and network given a threshold |
spatial.plot |
spatial plot of populations |
zero.thr |
Zero distance networks |