Substitution and Indel Distances to Infer Evolutionary Relationships

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Documentation for package ‘sidier’ version 4.1.0

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sidier-package SIDIER: Substitution and Indel Distances to Infer Evolutionary Relationships
alignExample example alignment #1 ('DNAbin' class)
assign.whole.taxo Get taxonomy described in sequence names Barcode gap identification
barcode.quality Estimates of barcode quality
barcode.summary Summary of the inter- and intraspecific distances
BARRIEL Indel distances following Barriel method
colour.scheme internal function for node colour scheme
compare.dist Threshold to discriminate species comparing intra- and interspecific distance distributions
distance.comb Distance matrices combination
double.plot Haplotype and population networks including mutations and haplotype frequencies.
Example_Spatial.plot_Alignment example alignment #1 (fasta format)
ex_alignment1 example alignment #1
ex_BLAST example BLAST output
ex_Coords example coordinates
FIFTH Indel distances following the fifth state rationale
filter.whole.taxo Get consensus taxonomy
FilterHaplo Filter haplotypes by occurrence
FindHaplo Find equal haplotypes
genbank.sp.names Species names from genbank accessions
get.majority.taxo Get majority taxonomy for a sequence
GetHaplo Get sequences of unique haplotypes
HapPerPop Returns the number of haplotypes per population.
inter.intra.plot Histogram of the intra- and interspecific distances
MCIC Modified Complex Indel Coding as distance matrix
mergeNodes Merges nodes showing distance values equal to zero Haplotype network depiction including mutations
mutationSummary Summary of observed mutations
NINA.thr No Isolated Nodes Allowed network substitution and indel distance combinations
perc.thr Percolation threshold network Population network depiction including haplotype frequencies
pop.dist Distances among populations
rule Threshold to discriminate species.
SIC Indel distances following the Simple Index Coding method
sidier SIDIER: Substitution and Indel Distances to Infer Evolutionary Relationships Network showing modules as nodes
simuEvolution Simulate sequences evolution Plot a network given a threshold Get modules and network given a threshold
spatial.plot spatial plot of populations
zero.thr Zero distance networks