LNHP {shp2graph}R Documentation

London house price and hedonic data (SpatialPointsDataFrame)


This data set is sampled from a house price data set provided by the Nationwide Building Society of the UK, and combined with various hedonic variables.




A “SpatialPointsDataFrame” object named “LN.prop”.


In this data set, attributes are interpreted as follows:

PURCHASE: sale price in GBP

FLOORSZ: floor size of the property in square metres;

BATH2: 1 if the property has 2 or more bathrooms, 0 otherwise;

BEDS2: 1 if the property has 2 or more bedrooms, 0 otherwise;

CENTHEAT: 1 if the property has central heating, 0 otherwise;

GARAGE1: 1 if the property has one or more garages, 0 otherwise;

BLDPWW1: 1 if the property was built prior to 1914, 0 otherwise;

BLDINTW: is 1 if the property was built between 1914 and 1939, 0 otherwise;

BLD60S: 1 if the property was built between 1960 and 1969, 0 otherwise;

BLD70S: 1 if the property was built between 1970 and 1979, 0 otherwise;

BLD80S: 1 if the property was built between 1980 and 1989, 0 otherwise;

BLD90S: 1 if the property was built between 1990 and 2000, 0 otherwise;

TYPEDETCH: 1 if the property is detached (i.e. it is stand-alone), 0 otherwise;

TYPETRRD: 1 if the property is in a terrace of similar houses, 0 otherwise;

TYPEFLAT: 1 if the property is a flat or apartment, 0 otherwise;

PROF: percentage of the workforce in professional or managerial occupations in the census enumeration district in which the house is located.

UNEMPLOY: percentage of unemployment in the census enumeration district in which the house is located.

X: X coordinate.

Y: Y coordinat.


Lu, B., M. Charlton, P. Harris & A. S. Fotheringham (2014) Geographically weighted regression with a non-Euclidean distance metric: a case study using hedonic house price data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 28, 660-681.

[Package shp2graph version 1-0 Index]