Input Validation for Shiny Apps

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Documentation for package ‘shinyvalidate’ version 0.1.3

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compose_rules Combine shinyvalidate rule functions
InputValidator Shiny validation object
input_provided Check whether an input value has been provided
skip_validation Skip any normal validation performed by a rule
sv_between Validate that a field is a number bounded by minimum and maximum values
sv_email Validate that a field contains an email address
sv_equal Validate that a field is equal to a specified value
sv_gt Validate that a field is greater than a specified value
sv_gte Validate that a field is greater than or equal to a specified value
sv_integer Validate that a field is a number that is integer-like
sv_in_set Validate that a field is part of a defined set
sv_lt Validate that a field is less than a specified value
sv_lte Validate that a field is less than or equal to a specified value
sv_not_equal Validate that a field is not equal to a specified value
sv_numeric Validate that a field is a number
sv_optional Indicate that a field is optional
sv_regex Validate that a field matches a regular expression
sv_required Validate that the field is present
sv_url Validate that a field contains a URL