record_test {shinytest2}R Documentation

Launch test event recorder for a Shiny app


Once a recording is completed, it will create or append a new shinytest2 test to the testthat test_file.


  app = ".",
  name = NULL,
  seed = NULL,
  load_timeout = NULL,
  shiny_args = list(),
  test_file = "test-shinytest2.R",
  open_test_file = rlang::is_interactive(),
  allow_no_input_binding = NULL,
  record_screen_size = TRUE,
  run_test = TRUE



A AppDriver object, or path to a Shiny application.


Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.


Name provided to AppDriver. This value should be unique between all tests within a test file. If it is not unique, different expect methods may overwrite each other.


A random seed to set before running the app. This seed will also be used in the test script.


Maximum time to wait for the Shiny application to load, in milliseconds. If a value is provided, it will be saved in the test script.


A list of options to pass to runApp(). If a value is provided, it will be saved in the test script.


Base file name of the testthat test file.


If TRUE, the test file will be opened in an editor via file.edit() before executing.


This value controls if events without input bindings are recorded.

  • If TRUE, events without input bindings are recorded.

  • If FALSE, events without input bindings are not recorded.

  • If NULL (default), if an updated input does not have a corresponding input, a modal dialog will be shown asking if unbound input events should be recorded.

See AppDriver⁠$set_inputs()⁠ for more information.


If TRUE, the screen size will be recorded when initialized and changed.


If TRUE, test_file will be executed after saving the recording.

Uploading files

Files that are uploaded to your Shiny app must be located somewhere within the tests/testthat subdirectory or available via system.file().

Files that are uploaded during recording that do not have a valid path will have a warning inserted into the code. Please fix the file path by moving the file to the tests/testthat subdirectory or by using system.file(). After fixing the path, remove the line of warning code.

See Also



## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

[Package shinytest2 version 0.3.2 Index]