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Documentation for package ‘shinydashboardPlus’ version 2.0.4

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accordion AdminLTE2 accordion container
accordionItem AdminLTE2 accordion container
appButton AdminLTE2 special large button
attachmentBlock AdminLTE2 attachment container
blockQuote AdminLTE2 block quote
box Create a box for the main body of a dashboard
boxComment AdminLTE2 social box
boxDropdown Create a box for the main body of a dashboard
boxDropdownItem Create a box for the main body of a dashboard
boxLabel Create a label for box
boxPad Create a box for the main body of a dashboard
boxProfile AdminLTE2 box profile
boxProfileItem AdminLTE2 box profile
boxSidebar Create a sidebar for a box
carousel AdminLTE2 carousel container
carouselItem AdminLTE2 carousel container
controlbarItem AdminLTE2 dashboard right sidebar
controlbarMenu AdminLTE2 dashboard right sidebar
dashboardBadge AdminLTE2 badge
dashboardControlbar AdminLTE2 dashboard right sidebar
dashboardFooter Dashboard Footer
dashboardHeader Create a header for a dashboard page
dashboardLabel AdminLTE2 label
dashboardPage Dashboard Page with a right sidebar
dashboardSidebar Create a dashboard sidebar.
dashboardUser Create a dashboard user profile.
dashboardUserItem Create a dashboard user profile item
descriptionBlock Create a box for the main body of a dashboard
dropdownBlock Create a dropdown block to place in a dashboard header
dropdownDivider Create a box for the main body of a dashboard
flipBox A flipBox based on the W3C example
loadingState AdminLTE2 loading state element
messageItem Custom messageItem
navPills AdminLTE2 nav pill container
navPillsItem AdminLTE2 nav pill container
notificationItem Custom notificationItem
productList AdminLTE2 product list container
productListItem AdminLTE2 product list container
progressBar AdminLTE2 vertical progress bar
renderUser Create dynamic user output (server side)
shinydashboardPlusGallery Launch the shinydashboardPlus Gallery
socialBox AdminLTE2 social box
socialButton AdminLTE2 social button
starBlock AdminLTE2 starBlock
taskItem Custom taskItem
timelineBlock AdminLTE2 timeline block
timelineEnd AdminLTE2 timeline block
timelineItem AdminLTE2 timeline block
timelineItemMedia AdminLTE2 timeline block
timelineLabel AdminLTE2 timeline block
timelineStart AdminLTE2 timeline block
todoList AdminLTE2 todo list container
todoListItem AdminLTE2 todo list container
updateAccordion AdminLTE2 accordion container
updateBox Create a box for the main body of a dashboard
updateBoxSidebar Create a sidebar for a box
updateControlbar AdminLTE2 dashboard right sidebar
updateControlbarMenu AdminLTE2 dashboard right sidebar
updateFlipBox A flipBox based on the W3C example
updateNavPills AdminLTE2 nav pill container
updateSidebar Create a dashboard sidebar.
updateUserMessages AdminLTE2 user message container
userBlock AdminLTE2 social box
userBox AdminLTE2 user box
userDescription AdminLTE2 user box
userList AdminLTE2 user list container
userListItem AdminLTE2 user list container
userMessage AdminLTE2 user message container
userMessages AdminLTE2 user message container
userOutput Create a dynamic user output (client side)
userPost AdminLTE2 user post
userPostMedia AdminLTE2 user post
userPostTagItem AdminLTE2 user post
userPostTagItems AdminLTE2 user post