accordion | AdminLTE2 accordion container |
accordionItem | AdminLTE2 accordion container |
appButton | AdminLTE2 special large button |
attachmentBlock | AdminLTE2 attachment container |
blockQuote | AdminLTE2 block quote |
box | Create a box for the main body of a dashboard |
boxComment | AdminLTE2 social box |
boxDropdown | Create a box for the main body of a dashboard |
boxDropdownItem | Create a box for the main body of a dashboard |
boxLabel | Create a label for box |
boxPad | Create a box for the main body of a dashboard |
boxProfile | AdminLTE2 box profile |
boxProfileItem | AdminLTE2 box profile |
boxSidebar | Create a sidebar for a box |
carousel | AdminLTE2 carousel container |
carouselItem | AdminLTE2 carousel container |
controlbarItem | AdminLTE2 dashboard right sidebar |
controlbarMenu | AdminLTE2 dashboard right sidebar |
dashboardBadge | AdminLTE2 badge |
dashboardControlbar | AdminLTE2 dashboard right sidebar |
dashboardFooter | Dashboard Footer |
dashboardHeader | Create a header for a dashboard page |
dashboardLabel | AdminLTE2 label |
dashboardPage | Dashboard Page with a right sidebar |
dashboardSidebar | Create a dashboard sidebar. |
dashboardUser | Create a dashboard user profile. |
dashboardUserItem | Create a dashboard user profile item |
descriptionBlock | Create a box for the main body of a dashboard |
dropdownBlock | Create a dropdown block to place in a dashboard header |
dropdownDivider | Create a box for the main body of a dashboard |
flipBox | A flipBox based on the W3C example |
loadingState | AdminLTE2 loading state element |
messageItem | Custom messageItem |
navPills | AdminLTE2 nav pill container |
navPillsItem | AdminLTE2 nav pill container |
notificationItem | Custom notificationItem |
productList | AdminLTE2 product list container |
productListItem | AdminLTE2 product list container |
progressBar | AdminLTE2 vertical progress bar |
renderUser | Create dynamic user output (server side) |
shinydashboardPlusGallery | Launch the shinydashboardPlus Gallery |
socialBox | AdminLTE2 social box |
socialButton | AdminLTE2 social button |
starBlock | AdminLTE2 starBlock |
taskItem | Custom taskItem |
timelineBlock | AdminLTE2 timeline block |
timelineEnd | AdminLTE2 timeline block |
timelineItem | AdminLTE2 timeline block |
timelineItemMedia | AdminLTE2 timeline block |
timelineLabel | AdminLTE2 timeline block |
timelineStart | AdminLTE2 timeline block |
todoList | AdminLTE2 todo list container |
todoListItem | AdminLTE2 todo list container |
updateAccordion | AdminLTE2 accordion container |
updateBox | Create a box for the main body of a dashboard |
updateBoxSidebar | Create a sidebar for a box |
updateControlbar | AdminLTE2 dashboard right sidebar |
updateControlbarMenu | AdminLTE2 dashboard right sidebar |
updateFlipBox | A flipBox based on the W3C example |
updateNavPills | AdminLTE2 nav pill container |
updateSidebar | Create a dashboard sidebar. |
updateUserMessages | AdminLTE2 user message container |
userBlock | AdminLTE2 social box |
userBox | AdminLTE2 user box |
userDescription | AdminLTE2 user box |
userList | AdminLTE2 user list container |
userListItem | AdminLTE2 user list container |
userMessage | AdminLTE2 user message container |
userMessages | AdminLTE2 user message container |
userOutput | Create a dynamic user output (client side) |
userPost | AdminLTE2 user post |
userPostMedia | AdminLTE2 user post |
userPostTagItem | AdminLTE2 user post |
userPostTagItems | AdminLTE2 user post |