Create Dashboards with 'Shiny'

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Documentation for package ‘shinydashboard’ version 0.7.2

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shinydashboard-package shinydashboard
box Create a box for the main body of a dashboard
dashboardBody The main body of a dashboard page.
dashboardHeader Create a header for a dashboard page
dashboardPage Dashboard page
dashboardSidebar Create a dashboard sidebar.
dropdownMenu Create a dropdown menu to place in a dashboard header
dropdownMenuOutput Create a dropdown menu output (client side)
infoBox Create an info box for the main body of a dashboard.
infoBoxOutput Create an info or value box output (client side)
menuItem Create a dashboard sidebar menu and menu items.
menuItemOutput Create a sidebar menu item output (client side)
menuOutput Create a dynamic menu output for shinydashboard (client side)
menuSubItem Create a dashboard sidebar menu and menu items.
messageItem Create a message item to place in a dropdown message menu
notificationItem Create a notification item to place in a dropdown notification menu
renderDropdownMenu Create a dropdown menu output (server side; deprecated)
renderInfoBox Create an info or value box output (server side)
renderMenu Create dynamic menu output (server side)
renderValueBox Create an info or value box output (server side)
shinydashboard shinydashboard
sidebarMenu Create a dashboard sidebar menu and menu items.
sidebarMenuOutput Create a sidebar menu output (client side)
sidebarSearchForm Create a search form to place in a sidebar
sidebarUserPanel A panel displaying user information in a sidebar
tabBox Create a tabbed box
tabItem One tab to put inside a tab items container
tabItems A container for tab items
taskItem Create a task item to place in a dropdown task menu
updateTabItems Change the selected tab on the client
valueBox Create a value box for the main body of a dashboard.
valueBoxOutput Create an info or value box output (client side)