config_notify {shinybusy} | R Documentation |
Configure options for notify()
and others
Options for notify()
functions, see
online documentation
for default values and examples.
background = NULL,
textColor = NULL,
childClassName = NULL,
notiflixIconColor = NULL,
fontAwesomeClassName = NULL,
fontAwesomeIconColor = NULL,
backOverlayColor = NULL,
width = NULL,
distance = NULL,
opacity = NULL,
borderRadius = NULL,
rtl = NULL,
messageMaxLength = NULL,
backOverlay = NULL,
plainText = NULL,
showOnlyTheLastOne = NULL,
clickToClose = NULL,
pauseOnHover = NULL,
className = NULL,
zindex = NULL,
fontFamily = NULL,
fontSize = NULL,
cssAnimation = NULL,
cssAnimationDuration = NULL,
cssAnimationStyle = NULL,
closeButton = NULL,
useIcon = NULL,
useFontAwesome = NULL,
fontAwesomeIconStyle = NULL,
fontAwesomeIconSize = NULL,
background |
Changes the background color. |
textColor |
Changes the text color. |
childClassName |
Changes the class name. |
notiflixIconColor |
Changes the SVG icon color. |
fontAwesomeClassName |
Changes the FontAwesome icon class name (FontAwesome has to be added to the project separately.) |
fontAwesomeIconColor |
Changes the FontAwesome icon color. |
backOverlayColor |
Changes the color of the background overlay. |
width |
Changes the width of the notifications. |
distance |
The distance between positioned notifications and the body element. |
opacity |
Changes the opacity. (Between 0 and 1) |
borderRadius |
Changes the radius of the notifications corners. |
rtl |
Specifies the text direction to "right-to-left". |
messageMaxLength |
The maximum length of the notifications message text. |
backOverlay |
Adds a background overlay to the notifications. |
plainText |
Strips all HTML tags. |
showOnlyTheLastOne |
Auto-removes all the notifications except for the last one. |
clickToClose |
Removes the notification when it has been clicked without waiting for the delay. |
pauseOnHover |
Auto-remove functionality will be paused for each notification element when the pointer(mouse) enters on it. |
ID |
Changes the ID (attribute) of the notifications. |
className |
Changes the class name (attribute) of the notifications. |
zindex |
Changes the z-index of the notifications. |
fontFamily |
Changes the font-family of the notifications message text. |
fontSize |
Changes the font-size of the notifications message text. |
cssAnimation |
Enables/disables CSS animations to show/hide the notifications. |
cssAnimationDuration |
Changes the CSS animations duration as milliseconds. |
cssAnimationStyle |
6 types of styles can be used: fade zoom from-right from-top from-bottom from-left |
closeButton |
Adds a close button/icon to the notifications. (Notifications with a close button won't disappear until they were clicked.) |
useIcon |
Allows using built-in SVG or external FontAwesome icons in the notifications. (By default, built-in SVG icons have been defined.) |
useFontAwesome |
Ignores built-in SVG icons and allows to use of external FontAwesome icons. |
fontAwesomeIconStyle |
2 types of styles can be used: basic shadow |
fontAwesomeIconSize |
Changes the font-size of the FontAwesome icons |
... |
Other potential arguments. |
A config list
that can be used in notify()
and other notify_*
ui <- fluidPage(
tags$h2("config for notify examples"),
actionButton("success", "Success")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$success, {
"Well done!",
background = "#0431B4",
notiflixIconColor = "#FFF"
if (interactive())
shinyApp(ui, server)