The Ultimate Igneous Norm

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Documentation for package ‘shinyNORRRM’ version 0.8.6

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adjRock Recalculate the compositions of the rocks in an anhydrous basis (volatile-free; 100% adjusted)
AtomWeight The standard atomic weights
Deccan Data collection of igneous rocks from the Deccan region (India)
EAP Data collection of igneous rocks from Eastern Mexican Alkaline Province
Indices Indices
IUGS Data collection of igneous rocks used in IUGSTAS software
MinWeight The oxides molecular weights of normative minerals
OxiWeight The molecular weights
shinyNORRRM shinyNORRRM - launches the shinyNORRRM app
TephraKam Data collection of igneous rocks from the Kamchatka volcanic arc (northwestern Pacific)
ultimateCIPW The Igneous Norm (major and trace elements)