downsampler {shinyHugePlot}R Documentation

R6 class for down-sampling data


A class for down-sampling data with a large number of samples. An instance contains (the reference of) original data, layout of the figure, and options for aggregating the original data. An interactive plot for displaying large-sized data can be obtained using the figure, down-sampler and its options included in the instance, while making the plot using shiny_hugeplot function is easier (see examples). See the super class (plotly_datahandler) to find more members to handle the data in plotly.


An R6::R6Class object

Super class

shinyHugePlot::plotly_datahandler -> downsampler

Active bindings


Options for aggregating (down-sampling) data registered in this instance.


Default sample size.


Default aggregator instance.


Public methods

Inherited methods

Method new()

To construct an instance, original data, layout of the figure, and options for aggregating the original data are necessary. The original data and the layout of the figure can be given by providing a plotly object (figure argument). The options for aggregating the original data can be given by providing an aggregator (aggregator argument) and the number of samples (n_out argument). See the constructor of the plotly_datahandler class for more information on other arguments.

  figure = NULL,
  n_out = 1000L,
  aggregator = min_max_aggregator$new(),
  tz = Sys.timezone(),
  use_light_build = TRUE,
  legend_options = list(name_prefix = "<b style=\"color:sandybrown\">[S]</b> ",
    name_suffix = "", xdiff_prefix = "<i style=\"color:#fc9944\"> ~", xdiff_suffix =
  verbose = F
figure, legend_options, tz, use_light_build

Arguments passed to plotly_datahandler$new.


Integer or numeric. The number of samples shown after down-sampling. By default 1000.


An instance of an R6 class for aggregation. Select an aggregation function. The list of the functions are obtained using list_aggregators. By default, min_max_aggregator$new().


Boolean. Whether detailed messages to check the procedures are shown. By default, FALSE.

Method add_trace()

Add a new series to the data registered in the instance. If a data frame (traces_df argument) compliant with self$orig_data is given, it will be added to self$orig_data. If attributes to construct a plotly object (... argument) are given, a data frame is constructed and added. Options for aggregating data can be set using aggregator and n_out arguments. It is a wrapper of self$set_trace_data and self$set_downsample_options. See these methods for more information. Note that the traces of the figure are not updated with this method and self$update_trace is necessary.

downsampler$add_trace(..., traces_df = NULL, n_out = NULL, aggregator = NULL)
..., traces_df

Arguments passed to self$set_trace_data (see the super class of plotly_datahandler)

n_out, aggregator

Arguments passed to self$set_downsample_options.

Method update_trace()

Update traces of the figure registered in the instance (self$figure$x$data) according to re-layout order (relayout_order argument). Using reset and reload arguments, traces are updated without re-layout orders. It just registers the new traces and returns nothing by default. It returns the new traces if send_trace is TRUE.

  relayout_order = list(NULL),
  reset = FALSE,
  reload = FALSE,
  send_trace = FALSE

Named list. A list generated by plotlyjs_relayout, which is obtained using plotly::event_data. e.g., If you would like set the range of the 2nd x axis to [10.0, 21.5], list(`xaxis2.range[0]` = 10.0, `xaxis2.range[1]` = 21.5). If you would like reset the range of the 1st x axis, list(xaxis.autorange = TRUE, xaxis.showspike = TRUE).


Boolean. If it is TRUE, all other arguments are neglected and the figure will be reset (all the ranges of x axes are initialized). By default, FALSE.


Boolean. If it is TRUE, the ranges of the figure are preserved but the aggregation will be conducted with the current settings. By default, FALSE.


Boolean. If it is TRUE, a named list will be returned, which contains the indexes of the traces that will be updated (trace_idx_update) and the updated traces (new_trace). By default, FALSE.

Method set_downsample_options()

In the instance, options for aggregating data are registered as data frame. (see self$downsample_options.) Using this method, the options can be set.

downsampler$set_downsample_options(uid = NULL, n_out = NULL, aggregator = NULL)

Character, optional. The unique id of the trace. If NULL, all the options registered in this instance are updated. By default, NULL.


Numeric or integer, optional. The number of samples output by the aggregator. If NULL, the default value registered in this instance is used. By default, NULL.


aggregator object, optional. An instance that aggregate the data. If NULL, the default value registered in this instance is used.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

downsampler$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.



# example 1 : Easy method using shiny_hugeplot
shiny_hugeplot(noise_fluct$time, noise_fluct$f500)

# example 2 : Manual method using a downsampler object
fig <- plot_ly(
  x = noise_fluct$time,
  y = noise_fluct$f500,
  type = "scatter",
  mode = "lines"
  ) %>%
  layout(xaxis = list(type = "date")) %>%

ds <- downsampler$new(
  figure = fig,
  aggregator = min_max_aggregator$new(interleave_gaps = TRUE)

ui <- fluidPage(
  plotlyOutput(outputId = "hp", width = "800px", height = "600px")

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  output$hp <- renderPlotly(ds$figure)

    updatePlotlyH(session, "hp", plotly::event_data("plotly_relayout"), ds)


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

# example 3 : Add another series of which aggregator is different

noise_events <- tibble(
  time = c("2022-11-09 12:25:50", "2022-11-09 12:26:14"),
  level = c(60, 60)

  x = noise_events$time, y = noise_events$level, name = "event",
  type = "scatter", mode = "markers",
  aggregator = null_aggregator$new()
ds$update_trace(reset = TRUE)

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  output$hp <- renderPlotly(ds$figure)

    updatePlotlyH(session, "hp", plotly::event_data("plotly_relayout"), ds)


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

[Package shinyHugePlot version 0.2.6 Index]