run_app {shinyExprPortal}R Documentation

Run the Shiny Application


This function should be run only after you have created the configuration file and placed all required files in the app folder. See vignette("quickstart", package = "shinyExprPortal") for help with setup or vignette("fullguide", package = "shinyExprPortal") for a complete configuration guide.


  data_folder = "",
  custom_modules = NULL,
  nthreads = 1L,



The name of the yaml configuration file


Optional directory prefix for data files. Use this argument if you want to version your files across different folders


Optional list of available custom modules. See the 'Details' section.


Optional number of threads/cores to speed up loading files and computing correlations on UNIX-based systems. Default is 1


Further optional arguments.


custom_modules should contain a list of names for user-defined modules that are loaded in the environment before calling run_app. Each module should be accompanied by the corresponding mod_moduleName_ui, mod_moduleName_server moduleName_config functions. These functions could be placed in a custom_modules.R file, for example, and loaded using source. The package will then parse the configuration file, and if it contains one of the custom module names, it will call the module configuration parsing function and add it to the interface. See vignette("customization") for a complete example.

Please note that if running on Windows, nthreads will be always set to 1 due to limitations on the current implementation.


Runs the app

See Also

create_config_wizard() to create a configuration using a wizard, create_config_template() to create a configuration file template.


if (interactive()) {
run_app("config.yaml", nthreads = 4)

[Package shinyExprPortal version 1.2.1 Index]