Ace Editor Bindings for Shiny

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Documentation for package ‘shinyAce’ version 0.4.2

Help Pages

.fname_regex Regular expression for matching the function name in a completion line in the middle of a function call
.tools Get namespace to get access to unexported functions, namely RdTags
.utils Get namespace to get access to unexported functions, namely .getHelpFile .assignLinebuffer .assignEnd .guessTokenFromLine .completeToken
aceAnnotate Enable Error Annotations for an Ace Code Input
aceAutocomplete Enable Code Completion for an Ace Code Input
aceEditor Render Ace
aceTooltip Enable Completion Tooltips for an Ace Code Input
build_tooltip_fields Build the fields used to make an html tooltip
getAceModes Get available modes
getAceThemes Get available themes
get_arg_help Retrieve argument documentation from help document
get_desc_help Retrieve description section from help document
get_help_file Retrieve an Rd object of a help query
get_usage_help Retrieve usage section from help document
is.empty Check if vector is empty
meta_obj Character value to use for object meta field
meta_pkg Character value to use for package meta field
rd_2_html Convert an Rd object to HTML
re_capture Retrieve regular expression named capture groups as a list
r_completions_function_call_metadata R completions when cursor is within a function call
r_completions_general_metadata R completions for general case
r_completions_metadata Return completions for a given line of text
shinyAce-options Options available for shinyAce
shinyAce_debug Function for handling optional debugging messages
tooltip_html A helper for formatting a tooltip entry
updateAceEditor Update Ace Editor