'TailwindCSS' for Shiny Apps

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Documentation for package ‘shiny.tailwind’ version 0.2.2

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compile_tailwindcss Starts the 'TailwindCSS' CLI
install_tailwindcss_cli Installs the 'TailwindCSS' CLI
is_tailwindcss_installed Checks if 'TailwindCSS' CLI is installed
twBtnOpenModal Creates a button to open a Modal Dialog
twCheckboxGroupInput Wrapper around 'shiny::checkboxGroupInput()' but allowing for more classes
twCheckboxInput Wrapper around 'shiny::checkboxInput()' but allowing for more classes
twDateInput Wrapper around 'shiny::dateInput()' but allowing for more classes
twDateRangeInput Wrapper around 'shiny::dateRangeInput()' but allowing for more classes
twFileInput Wrapper around 'shiny::fileInput()' but allowing for more classes
twModalDialog Creates a Modal Dialog
twNumericInput Wrapper around 'shiny::numericInput()' but allowing for more classes
twSelectInput Wrapper around 'shiny::selectInput()' but allowing for more classes
twSelectizeInput Wrapper around 'shiny::selectizeInput()' but allowing for more classes
twSliderInput Wrapper around 'shiny::sliderInput()' but allowing for more classes
twTabContent Creates the Content Elements of Tabs
twTabNav Creates the Navigation Element of Tabs
twTextAreaInput Wrapper around 'shiny::textAreaInput()' but allowing for more classes
twTextInput Wrapper around 'shiny::textInput()' but allowing for more classes
twVarSelectInput Wrapper around 'shiny::varSelectInput()' but allowing for more classes
twVarSelectizeInput Wrapper around 'shiny::varSelectizeInput()' but allowing for more classes
use_daisyui Allows you to use 'daisyUI' elements
use_flowbite Allows you to use 'flowbite' components
use_tailwind 'TailwindCSS' with Shiny