Progressive Web App Support for Shiny

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Documentation for package ‘shiny.pwa’ version 0.2.1

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applyTemplate Applies a provided template string to a list of arguments. Any arguments gives will be replaced in the template via placeholders wrapped in <<argument>>
createDirectories Generates the folder structure required for the PWA files.
createIcon Creates the PWA icon file based on the given path.
createManifest Creates the manifest file.
createOfflinePage Creates the offline landing page.
createServiceWorker Creates the service worker file based of the package template file.
generateFiles Generates the required files for enabling the pwa.
getTemplate Get the full path for a default file template
loadDependencies Returns a set of tags required for registering the pwa.
pwa Adds PWA support. Takes care of all the support required for browsers to recognize the application as a Progressive Web app.
validateDomain Clears and validates the provided domain.
validateIcon Validates the provided icon. If the icon does not exist returns a default one.
validateLocation Clears and validates the provided location