OverflowSet {shiny.fluent}R Documentation



The OverflowSet is a flexible container component that is useful for displaying a primary set of content with additional content in an overflow callout. Note that the example below is only an example of how to render the component, not a specific use case.


By default, the OverflowSet is simply role=group. If you used as a menu, you will need to add role="menubar" and add proper aria roles to each rendered item (menuitem, menuitemcheckbox, menuitemradio)

For more details and examples visit the official docs. The R package cannot handle each and every case, so for advanced use cases you need to work using the original docs to achieve the desired result.





Props to pass to the component. The allowed props are listed below in the Details section.



Object with shiny.tag class suitable for use in the UI of a Shiny app.



if (interactive()) {
  items <- list(
    list(key = "item1", icon = "Add", name = "Link 1"),
    list(key = "item2", icon = "Upload", name = "Link 2"),
    list(key = "item3", icon = "Share", name = "Link 3")
  overflowItems <- list(
    list(key = "item4", icon = "Mail", name = "Overflow Link 1"),
    list(key = "item5", icon = "Calendar", name = "Overflow Link 2")
  onRenderItem <- JS("item =>
    jsmodule['react'].createElement(jsmodule['@fluentui/react'].CommandBarButton, {
      role: 'menuitem',
      iconProps: { iconName: item.icon },
      styles: {
        root: { padding: '10px' }
  onRenderOverflowButton <- JS("overflowItems =>
    jsmodule['react'].createElement(jsmodule['@fluentui/react'].CommandBarButton, {
      role: 'menuitem',
      title: 'More items',
      styles: {
        root: { padding: '10px' }
      menuIconProps: { iconName: 'More' },
      menuProps: { items: overflowItems }

    ui = OverflowSet(
      vertical = TRUE,
      items = items,
      overflowItems = overflowItems,
      onRenderItem = onRenderItem,
      onRenderOverflowButton = onRenderOverflowButton
    server = function(input, output) {}

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