MarqueeSelection {shiny.fluent}R Documentation



The MarqueeSelection component provides a service which allows the user to drag a rectangle to be drawn around items to select them. This works in conjunction with a selection object, which can be used to generically store selection state, separate from a component that consumes the state.

MarqueeSelection also works in conjunction with the AutoScroll utility to automatically scroll the container when we drag a rectangle within the vicinity of the edges.

When a selection rectangle is dragged, we look for elements with the data-selection-index attribute populated. We get these elements' boundingClientRects and compare them with the root's rect to determine selection state. We update the selection state appropriately.

In virtualization cases where items that were once selected are dematerialized, we will keep the item in its previous state until we know definitively if it's on/off. (In other words, this works with List.)

For more details and examples visit the official docs. The R package cannot handle each and every case, so for advanced use cases you need to work using the original docs to achieve the desired result.





Props to pass to the component. The allowed props are listed below in the Details section.



Object with shiny.tag class suitable for use in the UI of a Shiny app.



# This is an advanced demo showing how you can use virtually all features of Fluent UI
# by creating custom components in JS and rendering them with shiny.react.
# This example is a translation of the example in

# Script showing how to:
# 1. Use mergeStyles and themes from Fluent
# 2. Define custom components
# 3. Send results back to Shiny.

customComponent <- function(name, js) {
  dependency <- htmltools::htmlDependency(
    name = name,
    version = "0", # Not used.
    src = c(href = ""), # Not used.
    head = paste0("
        (jsmodule.CustomComponents ??= {}).", name, " = (() => {", js, "})();
  function(...) shiny.react::reactElement(
    module = "CustomComponents",
    name = name,
    props = shiny.react::asProps(...),
    deps = dependency

MarqueeSelectionExample <- customComponent("MarqueeSelectionExample", "
  const React = jsmodule['react'];
  const Fluent = jsmodule['@fluentui/react'];

  const theme = Fluent.getTheme();
  const styles = Fluent.mergeStyleSets({
    photoList: {
      display: 'inline-block',
      border: '1px solid ' + theme.palette.neutralTertiary,
      margin: 0,
      padding: 10,
      overflow: 'hidden',
      userSelect: 'none',

    photoCell: {
      position: 'relative',
      display: 'inline-block',
      margin: 2,
      boxSizing: 'border-box',
      background: theme.palette.neutralLighter,
      lineHeight: 100,
      verticalAlign: 'middle',
      textAlign: 'center',
      selectors: {
        '&.is-selected': {
          background: theme.palette.themeLighter,
          border: '1px solid ' + theme.palette.themePrimary,
    checkbox: {
      margin: '10px 0',

  const useForceUpdate = () => {
    const [, setIt] = React.useState(false);
    return () => setIt(it => !it);

  return function(params) {
    const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();
    const inputId = params['inputId'];
    const photos = params['photos'];

    if (window.selection === undefined) {
      window.selection = new Fluent.Selection({
        items: photos,
        onSelectionChanged: function() {
          Shiny.setInputValue(inputId, window.selection.getSelectedIndices());

    const items =, index) => {
      return React.createElement(
          key: index,
          'data-is-focusable': true,
          className: Fluent.css(
            window.selection.isIndexSelected(index) && 'is-selected'
          'data-selection-index': index,
          style: { width: photo.width, height: photo.height }

    return React.createElement(
      { selection: window.selection, isEnabled: true },
      React.createElement('ul', { className: styles.photoList }, items)

ui <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)
    Label("Drag a rectangle around the items below to select them"),

server <- function(id) {
  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
    ns <- session$ns

    photos <- lapply(1:50, function(index) {
      randomWidth <- 50 +, 1)
        key = index,
        url = paste0('', randomWidth, 'x100'),
        width = randomWidth,
        height = 100

    output$marqueeResult <- renderText({
      paste("You have selected: ", paste(input$selectedIndices, collapse = ", "))

    output$marqueeSelection <- renderReact({
        inputId = ns("selectedIndices"),
        photos = photos
if (interactive()) {
  shinyApp(ui("app"), function(input, output) server("app"))

[Package shiny.fluent version 0.4.0 Index]