setRegionBoundaries {shazam}R Documentation

Build a RegionDefinition object that includes CDR3 and FWR4.


setRegionBoundaries takes as input a junction length and an IMGT-numbered sequence and outputs a custom RegionDefinition object that includes the boundary definitions of CDR1-3 and FWR1-4 for that sequence. In contrast to the universal RegionDefinition object that end with FWR3, the returned definition is per-sequence due to variable junction lengths.


setRegionBoundaries(juncLength, sequenceImgt, regionDefinition = NULL)



junction length of the sequence.


IMGT-numbered sequence.


RegionDefinition type to calculate the region definition for. Can be one of IMGT_VDJ_BY_REGIONS or IMGT_VDJ, which are template definitions that include CDR1-3 and FWR1-4. Only these two regions include all CDR1-3 and FWR1-4 regions. If this argument is set to NULL, then an empty RegionDefinition will be returned.


A RegionDefinition object that includes CDR1-3 and FWR1-4 for the sequenceImgt, juncLength, and regionDefinition specified.

For regionDefinition=IMGT_VDJ_BY_REGIONS, the returned RegionDefinition includes:

For regionDefinition=IMGT_VDJ, the returned RegionDefinition includes:

In the case that the regionDefinition argument is not one of the extended regions (IMGT_VDJ_BY_REGIONS or IMGT_VDJ), the input regionDefinition is returned as is.

See Also

See RegionDefinition for the return object. See IMGT_SCHEMES for a set of predefined RegionDefinition objects.


# Load and subset example data
data(ExampleDb, package = "alakazam")  
len <- ExampleDb$junction_length[1]
sequence <- ExampleDb$sequence_alignment[1]
region <- setRegionBoundaries(len, sequence, regionDefinition = IMGT_VDJ)

[Package shazam version 1.2.0 Index]