plotTune {shazam}R Documentation

Visualize parameter tuning for minNumMutations and minNumSeqMutations


Visualize results from minNumMutationsTune and minNumSeqMutationsTune


  criterion = c("5mer", "3mer", "1mer", "3mer+1mer", "measured", "inferred"),
  pchs = 1,
  ltys = 2,
  cols = 1,
  plotLegend = TRUE,
  legendPos = "topright",
  legendHoriz = FALSE,
  legendCex = 1



a matrix or a list of matrices produced by either minNumMutationsTune or minNumSeqMutationsTune. In the case of a list, it is assumed that each matrix corresponds to a sample and that all matrices in the list were produced using the same set of trial values of minNumMutations or minNumSeqMutations.


a number or a vector of indicating the value or the range of values of minNumMutations or minNumSeqMutations to plot. Should correspond to the columns of tuneMtx.


one of "5mer", "3mer", "1mer", or "3mer+1mer" (for tuneMtx produced by minNumMutationsTune), or either "measured" or "inferred" (for tuneMtx produced by minNumSeqMutationsTune).


point types to pass on to plot.


line types to pass on to plot.


colors to pass on to plot.


whether to plot legend. Default is TRUE. Only applicable if tuneMtx is a named list with names of the matrices corresponding to the names of the samples.


position of legend to pass on to legend. Can be either a numeric vector specifying x-y coordinates, or one of "topright", "center", etc. Default is "topright".


whether to make legend horizontal. Default is FALSE.


numeric values by which legend should be magnified relative to 1.


For tuneMtx produced by minNumMutationsTune, for each sample, depending on criterion, the numbers of 5-mers for which substitution rates are directly computed ("5mer"), inferred based on inner 3-mers ("3mer"), inferred based on central 1-mers ("1mer"), or inferred based on inner 3-mers and central 1-mers ("3mer+1mer") are plotted on the y-axis against values of minNumMutations on the x-axis.

For tuneMtx produced by minNumSeqMutationsTune, for each sample, depending on criterion, the numbers of 5-mers for which mutability rates are directly measured ("measured") or inferred ("inferred") are plotted on the y-axis against values of minNumSeqMutations on the x-axis.

Note that legends will be plotted only if tuneMtx is a supplied as a named list of matrices, ideally with names of each matrix corresponding to those of the samples based on which the matrices were produced, even if plotLegend=TRUE.

See Also

See minNumMutationsTune and minNumSeqMutationsTune for generating tuneMtx.


# Subset example data to one isotype and 200 sequences
data(ExampleDb, package="alakazam")
db <- subset(ExampleDb, c_call == "IGHA")
db <- dplyr::slice_sample(db, n=50)

tuneMtx = list()
for (i in 1:length(unique(db$sample_id))) {
    # Get data corresponding to current sample
    curDb = db[db[["sample_id"]] == unique(db[["sample_id"]])[i], ]
    # Count the number of mutations per 5-mer
    subCount = createSubstitutionMatrix(db=curDb, model="s", 
                                        returnModel="5mer", numMutationsOnly=TRUE)
    # Tune over minNumMutations = 5..50
    subTune = minNumMutationsTune(subCount, seq(from=5, to=50, by=5))
    tuneMtx = c(tuneMtx, list(subTune))

# Name tuneMtx after sample names 
names(tuneMtx) = unique(db[["sample_id"]])

# plot with legend for both samples for a subset of minNumMutations values
plotTune(tuneMtx, thresh=c(5, 15, 25, 40), criterion="3mer",
         pchs=16:17, ltys=1:2, cols=2:3, 
         plotLegend=TRUE, legendPos=c(25, 30))

# plot for only 1 sample for all the minNumMutations values (no legend)
plotTune(tuneMtx[[1]], thresh=seq(from=5, to=50, by=5), criterion="3mer")

[Package shazam version 1.2.0 Index]