ExplanatoryPerformance {sharp}R Documentation

Prediction performance in regression


Calculates model performance for linear (measured by Q-squared), logistic (AUC) or Cox (C-statistic) regression. This is done by (i) refitting the model on a training set including a proportion tau of the observations, and (ii) evaluating the performance on the remaining observations (test set). For more reliable results, the procedure can be repeated K times (default K=1).


  new_xdata = NULL,
  new_ydata = NULL,
  stability = NULL,
  family = NULL,
  implementation = NULL,
  prediction = NULL,
  resampling = "subsampling",
  K = 1,
  tau = 0.8,
  seed = 1,
  n_thr = NULL,
  time = 1000,
  verbose = FALSE,



matrix of predictors with observations as rows and variables as columns.


optional vector or matrix of outcome(s). If family is set to "binomial" or "multinomial", ydata can be a vector with character/numeric values or a factor.


optional test set (predictor data).


optional test set (outcome data).


output of VariableSelection. If stability=NULL (the default), a model including all variables in xdata as predictors is fitted. Argument family must be provided in this case.


type of regression model. Possible values include "gaussian" (linear regression), "binomial" (logistic regression), and "cox" (survival analysis). If provided, this argument must be consistent with input stability.


optional function to refit the model. If implementation=NULL and stability is the output of VariableSelection, lm (linear regression), coxph (Cox regression), glm (logistic regression), or multinom (multinomial regression) is used.


optional function to compute predicted values from the model refitted with implementation.


resampling approach to create the training set. The default is "subsampling" for sampling without replacement of a proportion tau of the observations. Alternatively, this argument can be a function to use for resampling. This function must use arguments named data and tau and return the IDs of observations to be included in the resampled dataset.


number of training-test splits. Only used if new_xdata and new_ydata are not provided.


proportion of observations used in the training set. Only used if new_xdata and new_ydata are not provided.


value of the seed to ensure reproducibility of the results. Only used if new_xdata and new_ydata are not provided.


number of thresholds to use to construct the ROC curve. If n_thr=NULL, all predicted probability values are iteratively used as thresholds. For faster computations on large data, less thresholds can be used. Only applicable to logistic regression.


numeric indicating the time for which the survival probabilities are computed. Only applicable to Cox regression.


logical indicating if a loading bar and messages should be printed.


additional parameters passed to the function provided in resampling.


For a fair evaluation of the prediction performance, the data is split into a training set (including a proportion tau of the observations) and test set (remaining observations). The regression model is fitted on the training set and applied on the test set. Performance metrics are computed in the test set by comparing predicted and observed outcomes.

For logistic regression, a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis is performed: the True and False Positive Rates (TPR and FPR), and Area Under the Curve (AUC) are computed for different thresholds in predicted probabilities.

For Cox regression, the Concordance Index (as implemented in concordance) looking at survival probabilities up to a specific time is computed.

For linear regression, the squared correlation between predicted and observed outcome in the test set (Q-squared) is reported.


A list with:


True Positive Rate (for logistic regression only).


False Positive Rate (for logistic regression only).


Area Under the Curve (for logistic regression only).


Concordance index (for Cox regression only).


matrix of estimated beta coefficients across the K iterations. Coefficients are extracted using the coef function.

See Also

VariableSelection, Refit

Other prediction performance functions: Incremental()


# Data simulation
simul <- SimulateRegression(
  n = 1000, pk = 20,
  family = "binomial", ev_xy = 0.8

# Data split: selection, training and test set
ids <- Split(
  data = simul$ydata,
  family = "binomial",
  tau = c(0.4, 0.3, 0.3)
xselect <- simul$xdata[ids[[1]], ]
yselect <- simul$ydata[ids[[1]], ]
xtrain <- simul$xdata[ids[[2]], ]
ytrain <- simul$ydata[ids[[2]], ]
xtest <- simul$xdata[ids[[3]], ]
ytest <- simul$ydata[ids[[3]], ]

# Stability selection
stab <- VariableSelection(
  xdata = xselect,
  ydata = yselect,
  family = "binomial"

# Performances in test set of model refitted in training set
roc <- ExplanatoryPerformance(
  xdata = xtrain, ydata = ytrain,
  new_xdata = xtest, new_ydata = ytest,
  stability = stab

# Alternative with multiple training/test splits
roc <- ExplanatoryPerformance(
  xdata = rbind(xtrain, xtest),
  ydata = c(ytrain, ytest),
  stability = stab, K = 100

# Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis
if (requireNamespace("sgPLS", quietly = TRUE)) {
  stab <- VariableSelection(
    xdata = xselect,
    ydata = yselect,
    implementation = SparsePLS,
    family = "binomial"

  # Defining wrapping functions for predictions from PLS-DA
  PLSDA <- function(xdata, ydata, family = "binomial") {
    model <- mixOmics::plsda(X = xdata, Y = as.factor(ydata), ncomp = 1)
  PredictPLSDA <- function(xdata, model) {
    xdata <- xdata[, rownames(model$loadings$X), drop = FALSE]
    predicted <- predict(object = model, newdata = xdata)$predict[, 2, 1]

  # Performances with custom models
  roc <- ExplanatoryPerformance(
    xdata = rbind(xtrain, xtest),
    ydata = c(ytrain, ytest),
    stability = stab, K = 100,
    implementation = PLSDA, prediction = PredictPLSDA

[Package sharp version 1.4.6 Index]