shapley {shapley}R Documentation

Weighted average of SHAP values and weighted SHAP confidence intervals for a grid of fine-tuned models or base-learners of a stacked ensemble model


Weighted average of SHAP values and weighted SHAP confidence intervals provide a measure of feature importance for a grid of fine-tuned models or base-learners of a stacked ensemble model. Instead of reporting relative SHAP contributions for a single model, this function takes the variability in feature importance of multiple models into account and computes weighted mean and confidence intervals for each feature, taking the performance metric of each model as the weight. The function also provides a plot of the weighted SHAP values and confidence intervals. Currently only models trained by h2o machine learning software or autoEnsemble package are supported.


  plot = TRUE,
  family = "binary",
  performance_metric = c("aucpr"),
  method = c("lowerCI"),
  cutoff = 0.01,
  top_n_features = NULL,
  normalize_to = "upperCI"



H2O search grid, AutoML grid, or a character vector of H2O model IDs. the "h2o.get_ids" function from "h2otools" can retrieve the IDs from grids.


h2o frame (data.frame). the data.frame must be already uploaded on h2o server (cloud). when specified, this dataset will be used for evaluating the models. if not specified, model performance on the training dataset will be reported.


logical. if TRUE, the weighted mean and confidence intervals of the SHAP values are plotted. The default is TRUE.


character. currently only "binary" classification models trained by h2o machine learning are supported.


character, specifying the performance metric to be used for weighting the SHAP values (mean and 95 "aucpr" (area under the precision-recall curve). Other options include "auc" (area under the ROC curve), "mcc" (Matthews correlation coefficient), and "f2" (F2 score).


character, specifying the method used for identifying the most important features according to their weighted SHAP values. The default selection method is "lowerCI", which includes features whose lower weighted confidence interval exceeds the predefined 'cutoff' value (default is relative SHAP of 1 Alternatively, the "mean" option can be specified, indicating any feature with normalized weighted mean SHAP contribution above the specified 'cutoff' should be selected. Another alternative options is "shapratio", a method that filters for features where the proportion of their relative weighted SHAP value exceeds the 'cutoff'. This approach calculates the relative contribution of each feature's weighted SHAP value against the aggregate of all features, with those surpassing the 'cutoff' being selected as top feature.


numeric, specifying the cutoff for the method used for selecting the top features.


integer. if specified, the top n features with the highest weighted SHAP values will be selected, overrullung the 'cutoff' and 'method' arguments.


character. The default value is "upperCI", which sets the feature with the maximum SHAP value to one, allowing the higher CI to go beyond one. Setting this value is mainly for aesthetic reason to adjust the Plot, but also, it can influence the feature selection process, depending on the method in use, because it changes how the SHAP values should be normalized. the alternative is 'feature', specifying that in the normalization of the SHAP values, the maximum confidence interval of the weighted SHAP values should be equal to "1", in order to limit the plot values to maximum of one.


a list including the GGPLOT2 object, the data frame of SHAP values, and performance metric of all models, as well as the model IDs.


E. F. Haghish


## Not run: 
# load the required libraries for building the base-learners and the ensemble models
library(h2o)            #shapley supports h2o models

# initiate the h2o server
h2o.init(ignore_config = TRUE, nthreads = 2, bind_to_localhost = FALSE, insecure = TRUE)

# upload data to h2o cloud
prostate_path <- system.file("extdata", "prostate.csv", package = "h2o")
prostate <- h2o.importFile(path = prostate_path, header = TRUE)


### H2O provides 2 types of grid search for tuning the models, which are
### AutoML and Grid. Below, I demonstrate how weighted mean shapley values
### can be computed for both types.

### PREPARE AutoML Grid (takes a couple of minutes)
# run AutoML to tune various models (GBM) for 60 seconds
y <- "CAPSULE"
prostate[,y] <- as.factor(prostate[,y])  #convert to factor for classification
aml <- h2o.automl(y = y, training_frame = prostate, max_runtime_secs = 120,

                 # this setting ensures the models are comparable for building a meta learner
                 seed = 2023, nfolds = 10,
                 keep_cross_validation_predictions = TRUE)

### call 'shapley' function to compute the weighted mean and weighted confidence intervals
### of SHAP values across all trained models.
### Note that the 'newdata' should be the testing dataset!
result <- shapley(models = aml, newdata = prostate, plot = TRUE)

### PREPARE H2O Grid (takes a couple of minutes)
# make sure equal number of "nfolds" is specified for different grids
grid <- h2o.grid(algorithm = "gbm", y = y, training_frame = prostate,
                 hyper_params = list(ntrees = seq(1,50,1)),
                 grid_id = "ensemble_grid",

                 # this setting ensures the models are comparable for building a meta learner
                 seed = 2023, fold_assignment = "Modulo", nfolds = 10,
                 keep_cross_validation_predictions = TRUE)

result2 <- shapley(models = grid, newdata = prostate, plot = TRUE)


### get the models' IDs from the AutoML and grid searches.
### this is all that is needed before building the ensemble,
### i.e., to specify the model IDs that should be evaluated.
ids    <- c(h2o.get_ids(aml), h2o.get_ids(grid))
autoSearch <- ensemble(models = ids, training_frame = prostate, strategy = "search")
result3 <- shapley(models = autoSearch, newdata = prostate, plot = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

[Package shapley version 0.1 Index]