Functions for Plotting Graphical Shapes, Colors

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Documentation for package ‘shape’ version

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shape-package Functions for plotting graphical shapes, colors
A4 opens A4-sized window
Arrowhead adds arrowheads to a plot
Arrows adds arrows with improved arrowhead to a plot
colorlegend adds a color legend to a plot.
cylindersegment adds part of a cylinder to a plot
drapecol draping colors over a persp plot
emptyplot open a plot without axes, labels,...
femmecol red-green-blue color palette
filledcircle adds colored circle to a plot
filledcylinder adds a colored and rotated cylinder to a plot
filledellipse adds a colored and rotated ellipse to a plot
filledmultigonal adds a colored and rotated multigonal shape to a plot
filledrectangle adds a colored and rotated rectangle to a plot
filledshape adds a colored shape to a plot
getellipse x-y coordinates of ellipse
graycol white-black color palette
greycol white-black color palette
intpalette color palettes
plotcircle adds part of a colored circle to a plot
plotellipse adds part of a colored and rotated ellipse to a plot
rotatexy rotates 2-column matrix around a midpoint
roundrect adds a rounded rectangular box to a plot
shadepalette color palette inbetween two extremes
shape Functions for plotting graphical shapes, colors
textflag adds a filled rounded rectangular box with a text to a plot
writelabel adds a label next to a plot