%$% | Exposition pipe |
%<>% | Assignment pipe |
%>% | Pipe |
add_edge_color | Modify the edge colors of a sgraph object. |
add_edge_size | Modify the edge size of a sgraph object. |
add_edge_zindex | Modify the edge zIndex of a sgraph object. |
add_igraph_info | Add nodes information to the igraph object |
add_node_hidden | Modify the node visibility of a sgraph object. |
add_node_labels | Modify the node labels of a sgraph object. |
add_node_size | Modify the node size of a sgraph object. |
convert_to_spring_weights | Convert weights for spring layout |
highlight_multiple_connected | Highlight edges of multiple connected nodes |
lesMis | Co-appearances of characters in "Les Miserables" |
multiline_labels | Format multiline labels |
renderSgraph | Render a sgraph visualization in Shiny |
scale_graph | Scale weights |
sgraphOutput | Create a UI element for a sgraph visualization in Shiny |
sgraph_clusters | Build a sgraph object colored by clusters |
sigma_from_igraph | Build a sgraph object from an igraph object |