Simple Geographical Operations (with OSGB36)

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Documentation for package ‘sgo’ version 0.9.2

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sgo-package sgo: Simple Geographical Operations (with OSGB36). Object containing 2D or 3D point coordinates
as.list.sgo_points Object containing 2D or 3D point coordinates
print.sgo_points Object containing 2D or 3D point coordinates
sgo_area Calculate area from an ordered set of points
sgo_bng_lonlat British National Grid (BNG) Easting/Northing to Geodetic Coordinate System (GCS)
sgo_bng_ngr BNG Easting/Northing to National Grid References (NGR)
sgo_cart_lonlat Geodetic Coordinate System (GCS) in cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates
sgo_coordinates Extracts coordinates from an 'sgo_points' object
sgo_distance Calculate distance(s) between points
sgo_en_wgs84 Pseudo - Mercator to WGS84 Longitude/Latitude
sgo_etrs_laea ETRS89 to ETRS89-LAEA Easting/Northing
sgo_laea_etrs ETRS89-LAEA Easting/Northing to ETRS89 geodetic coordinates
sgo_lonlat_bng GCS to BNG Easting/Northing
sgo_lonlat_cart Geodetic Coordinate System (GCS) in polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates
sgo_ngr_bng NGR to BNG Easting/Northing
sgo_points Object containing 2D or 3D point coordinates
sgo_set_gcs Set GCS of a set of points
sgo_transform Coordinate transformation of a set of points
sgo_wgs84_en WGS84 to Easting Northing (Pseudo - Mercator)