Functions for Systems Factorial Technology Analysis of Data

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Documentation for package ‘sft’ version 2.2-1

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assessment Workload Assessment Functions
assessmentGroup Assessment Functions
capacity.and Capacity Coefficient for Exhaustive (AND) Processing
capacity.or Capacity Coefficient for First-Terminating (OR) Processing
capacity.stst Capacity Coefficient for Single-Target Self-Terminating (STST) Processing
capacityGroup Capacity Analysis
dots RT and and Accuracy from a Simple Detection Task
estimate.bounds Bounds on Response Time Cumulative Distribution Functions for Parallel Processing Models
estimateNAH Neslon-Aalen Estimator of the Cumulative Hazard Function
estimateNAK Neslon-Aalen Estimator of the Reverse Cumulative Hazard Function
estimateUCIPand UCIP Performance on AND Tasks
estimateUCIPor UCIP Performance on OR Tasks
fPCAassessment Functional Principal Components Analysis for the Assessment Functions
fPCAcapacity Functional Principal Components Analysis for the Capacity Coefficient
mic.test Test of the Mean Interaction Contrast
sic Calculate the Survivor Interaction Contrast
sic.test Statistical test of the SIC.
sicGroup SIC Analysis for a Group
siDominance Dominance Test for Selective Influence
ucip.test A Statistical Test for Super or Limited Capacity