primes {sfsmisc}R Documentation

Find all Primes Less Than n


Find all prime numbers aka ‘primes’ less than nn.

Uses an obvious sieve method (and some care), working with logical and and integers to be quite fast.


primes(n, pSeq = NULL)



a (typically positive integer) number.


optionally a vector of primes (2,3,5,...) as if from a primes() call; must be correct. The goal is a speedup, but currently we have not found one single case, where using a non-NULL pSeq is faster.


As the function only uses max(n), n can also be a vector of numbers.

The famous prime number theorem states that π(n)\pi(n), the number of primes below nn is asymptotically n/log(n)n / \log(n) in the sense that limnπ(n)log(n)/n1\lim_{n \to \infty}{\pi(n) \cdot \log(n) / n \sim 1}.

Equivalently, the inverse of pi()pi(), the nn-th prime number pnp_n is around nlognn \log n; recent results (Pierre Dusart, 1999), prove that

logn+loglogn1<pnn<logn+loglognforn6.\log n + \log\log n - 1 < \frac{p_n}{n} < \log n + \log \log n \quad\mathrm{for } n \ge 6.


numeric vector of all prime numbers n\le n.


Bill Venables (<= 2001); Martin Maechler gained another 40% speed, carefully working with logicals and integers.

See Also

factorize. For large nn, use the gmp package and its isprime and nextprime functions.


 (p1 <- primes(100))
 system.time(p1k <- primes(1000)) # still lightning fast
 stopifnot(length(p1k) == 168)

 system.time(p.e7 <- primes(1e7)) # still only 0.3 sec (2015 (i7))
 stopifnot(length(p.e7) == 664579)
 ## The famous  pi(n) :=  number of primes <= n:
 pi.n <- approxfun(p.e7, seq_along(p.e7), method = "constant")
 pi.n(c(10, 100, 1000)) # 4 25 168
 plot(pi.n, 2, 1e7, n = 1024, log="xy", axes = FALSE,
      xlab = "n", ylab = quote(pi(n)),
      main = quote("The prime number function " ~ pi(n)))
 eaxis(1); eaxis(2)

## Exploring  p(n) := the n-th prime number  ~=~ n * pnn(n), where
## pnn(n) := log n + log log n
pnn <- function(n) { L <- log(n); L + log(L) }
n <- 6:(N <- length(PR <- primes(1e5))) <- cbind( = ceiling(n*(pnn(n)-1)), pn = PR[n], = floor(n*pnn(n)))
matplot(n,, type="l", ylab = quote(p[n]), main = quote(p[n] ~~
        "with lower/upper bounds" ~ n*(log(n) + log(log(n)) -(1~"or"~0))))
## (difference to the lower approximation) / n   --> ~ 0.0426  (?) :
plot(n, PR[n]/n - (pnn(n)-1), type = 'l', cex = 1/8, log="x", xaxt="n")
eaxis(1); abline(h=0, col=adjustcolor(1, 0.5))

[Package sfsmisc version 1.1-18 Index]