Simple Features for R

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Documentation for package ‘sf’ version 1.0-16

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A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W misc

-- A --

aggregate aggregate an 'sf' object
aggregate.sf aggregate an 'sf' object
anti_join.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
arrange.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
as Methods to coerce simple features to Spatial* and 'Spatial*DataFrame' objects
as.matrix.sfg Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list
as.matrix.sgbp Methods for dealing with sparse geometry binary predicate lists
as_Spatial Methods to coerce simple features to Spatial* and 'Spatial*DataFrame' objects

-- B --

bind Bind rows (features) of sf objects

-- C --

c.sfg Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list
cbind.sf Bind rows (features) of sf objects
coerce Methods to coerce simple features to Spatial* and 'Spatial*DataFrame' objects
crs Methods to coerce simple features to Spatial* and 'Spatial*DataFrame' objects
CRS-method Methods to coerce simple features to Spatial* and 'Spatial*DataFrame' objects

-- D --

dbDataType-method Determine database type for R vector
dbWriteTable-method Write 'sf' object to Database
db_drivers Drivers for which update should be 'TRUE' by default
dim.sgbp Methods for dealing with sparse geometry binary predicate lists
distinct.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
drop_na.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects

-- E --

extension_map Map extension to driver

-- F --

filter.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
format.bbox Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set Retrieve coordinate reference system from object
format.sfg Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list
full_join.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects

-- G --

gather.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
gdal_addo Add or remove overviews to/from a raster image
gdal_utils Native interface to gdal utils
geos_binary_ops Geometric operations on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
geos_binary_pred Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
geos_combine Combine or union feature geometries
geos_measures Compute geometric measurements
geos_query Dimension, simplicity, validity or is_empty queries on simple feature geometries
geos_unary Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
get_key_pos plot sf object
group_by.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
group_split.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects

-- H --

head.sfg Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list

-- I --

inner_join.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
interpolate_aw Areal-weighted interpolation of polygon data Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set Retrieve coordinate reference system from object Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
is_driver_available Check if driver is available
is_driver_can Check if a driver can perform an action
is_geometry_column Check if the columns could be of a coercable type for sf

-- L --

left_join.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects

-- M --

merge.sf merge method for sf and data.frame object
mutate.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects

-- N --

NA_agr_ get or set relation_to_geometry attribute of an 'sf' object
NA_bbox_ Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
NA_crs_ Retrieve coordinate reference system from object
NA_m_range_ Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
NA_z_range_ Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
nc North Carolina SIDS data
nest.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects

-- O --

obj_sum.sfc Summarize simple feature type for tibble
Ops Arithmetic operators for simple feature geometries
Ops.sfc Arithmetic operators for simple feature geometries
Ops.sfg Arithmetic operators for simple feature geometries

-- P --

pillar_shaft.sfc Summarize simple feature type for tibble
pivot_longer.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
pivot_wider.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
plot plot sf object
plot.sf plot sf object
plot.sfc_CIRCULARSTRING plot sf object
plot.sfc_GEOMETRY plot sf object
plot.sfc_GEOMETRYCOLLECTION plot sf object
plot.sfc_LINESTRING plot sf object
plot.sfc_MULTILINESTRING plot sf object
plot.sfc_MULTIPOINT plot sf object
plot.sfc_MULTIPOLYGON plot sf object
plot.sfc_POINT plot sf object
plot.sfc_POLYGON plot sf object
plot.sfg plot sf object
plot_sf plot sf object
prefix_map Map prefix to driver
print.sf Create sf object
print.sfg Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list
print.sgbp Methods for dealing with sparse geometry binary predicate lists
proj_tools Manage PROJ settings

-- R --

rawToHex Convert raw vector(s) into hexadecimal character string(s)
rbind.sf Bind rows (features) of sf objects
read_sf Read simple features or layers from file or database
rename.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
rename_with.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
right_join.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
rowwise.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects

-- S --

s2 functions for spherical geometry, using s2 package
sample_frac.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
sample_n.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
select.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
semi_join.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
separate.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
separate_rows.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
sf Create sf object
sf-method Methods to coerce simple features to Spatial* and 'Spatial*DataFrame' objects
sf.colors plot sf object
sfc Create simple feature geometry list column
sfc-method Methods to coerce simple features to Spatial* and 'Spatial*DataFrame' objects
sfc_GEOMETRYCOLLECTION Create simple feature geometry list column
sfc_LINESTRING Create simple feature geometry list column
sfc_MULTILINESTRING Create simple feature geometry list column
sfc_MULTIPOINT Create simple feature geometry list column
sfc_MULTIPOLYGON Create simple feature geometry list column
sfc_POINT Create simple feature geometry list column
sfc_POLYGON Create simple feature geometry list column
sf_add_proj_units directly transform a set of coordinates
sf_extSoftVersion Provide the external dependencies versions of the libraries linked to sf
sf_project directly transform a set of coordinates
sf_proj_info Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature
sf_proj_network Manage PROJ settings
sf_proj_pipelines Manage PROJ settings
sf_proj_search_paths Manage PROJ settings
sf_use_s2 functions for spherical geometry, using s2 package
sgbp Methods for dealing with sparse geometry binary predicate lists
slice.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
Spatial Methods to coerce simple features to Spatial* and 'Spatial*DataFrame' objects
Spatial-method Methods to coerce simple features to Spatial* and 'Spatial*DataFrame' objects
spread.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
st Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list
st_agr get or set relation_to_geometry attribute of an 'sf' object
st_agr<- get or set relation_to_geometry attribute of an 'sf' object
st_area Compute geometric measurements
st_area.sfc Compute geometric measurements
st_as_binary Convert sfc object to an WKB object
st_as_binary.sfc Convert sfc object to an WKB object
st_as_binary.sfg Convert sfc object to an WKB object
st_as_grob Convert sf* object to a grob
st_as_s2 functions for spherical geometry, using s2 package
st_as_s2.sf functions for spherical geometry, using s2 package
st_as_s2.sfc functions for spherical geometry, using s2 package
st_as_sf Convert foreign object to an sf object Convert foreign object to an sf object
st_as_sf.lpp Convert foreign object to an sf object Convert foreign object to an sf object
st_as_sf.ppp Convert foreign object to an sf object
st_as_sf.psp Convert foreign object to an sf object
st_as_sf.s2_geography Convert foreign object to an sf object
st_as_sf.sf Convert foreign object to an sf object
st_as_sf.sfc Convert foreign object to an sf object
st_as_sf.Spatial Convert foreign object to an sf object
st_as_sfc Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object
st_as_sfc.bbox Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object
st_as_sfc.blob Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object
st_as_sfc.character Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object
st_as_sfc.factor Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object
st_as_sfc.list Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object
st_as_sfc.pq_geometry Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object
st_as_sfc.raw Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object
st_as_sfc.s2_geography Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object
st_as_sfc.SpatialLines Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object
st_as_sfc.SpatialMultiPoints Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object
st_as_sfc.SpatialPixels Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object
st_as_sfc.SpatialPoints Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object
st_as_sfc.SpatialPolygons Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object
st_as_sfc.WKB Convert foreign geometry object to an sfc object
st_as_text Return Well-known Text representation of simple feature geometry or coordinate reference system Return Well-known Text representation of simple feature geometry or coordinate reference system
st_as_text.sfc Return Well-known Text representation of simple feature geometry or coordinate reference system
st_as_text.sfg Return Well-known Text representation of simple feature geometry or coordinate reference system
st_axis_order Retrieve coordinate reference system from object
st_bbox Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.CIRCULARSTRING Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.COMPOUNDCURVE Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.CURVEPOLYGON Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.Extent Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.GEOMETRYCOLLECTION Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.LINESTRING Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.MULTICURVE Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.MULTILINESTRING Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.MULTIPOINT Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.MULTIPOLYGON Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.MULTISURFACE Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.numeric Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.POINT Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.POLYGON Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.POLYHEDRALSURFACE Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.Raster Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.sf Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.sfc Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.Spatial Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.TIN Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bbox.TRIANGLE Return bounding of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_bind_cols Bind rows (features) of sf objects
st_boundary Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
st_break_antimeridian Break antimeridian for plotting not centred on Greenwich
st_break_antimeridian.sf Break antimeridian for plotting not centred on Greenwich
st_break_antimeridian.sfc Break antimeridian for plotting not centred on Greenwich
st_buffer Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
st_can_transform Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature
st_cast Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly
st_cast.CIRCULARSTRING Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly
st_cast.COMPOUNDCURVE Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly
st_cast.CURVE Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly
st_cast.GEOMETRYCOLLECTION Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly
st_cast.LINESTRING Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly
st_cast.MULTICURVE Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly
st_cast.MULTILINESTRING Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly
st_cast.MULTIPOINT Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly
st_cast.MULTIPOLYGON Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly
st_cast.MULTISURFACE Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly
st_cast.POINT Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly
st_cast.POLYGON Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly
st_cast.sf Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly
st_cast.sfc Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly
st_cast.sfc_CIRCULARSTRING Cast geometry to another type: either simplify, or cast explicitly
st_cast_sfc_default Coerce geometry to MULTI* geometry
st_centroid Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
st_collection_extract Given an object with geometries of type 'GEOMETRY' or 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION', return an object consisting only of elements of the specified type.
st_collection_extract.sf Given an object with geometries of type 'GEOMETRY' or 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION', return an object consisting only of elements of the specified type.
st_collection_extract.sfc Given an object with geometries of type 'GEOMETRY' or 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION', return an object consisting only of elements of the specified type.
st_collection_extract.sfg Given an object with geometries of type 'GEOMETRY' or 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION', return an object consisting only of elements of the specified type.
st_combine Combine or union feature geometries
st_concave_hull Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
st_contains Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_contains_properly Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_convex_hull Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
st_coordinates retrieve coordinates in matrix form
st_covered_by Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_covers Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_crop crop an sf object to a specific rectangle
st_crop.sf crop an sf object to a specific rectangle
st_crop.sfc crop an sf object to a specific rectangle
st_crosses Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_crs Retrieve coordinate reference system from object
st_crs.bbox Retrieve coordinate reference system from object
st_crs.character Retrieve coordinate reference system from object
st_crs.CRS Retrieve coordinate reference system from object Retrieve coordinate reference system from object
st_crs.numeric Retrieve coordinate reference system from object
st_crs.sf Retrieve coordinate reference system from object
st_crs.sfc Retrieve coordinate reference system from object
st_crs<- Retrieve coordinate reference system from object
st_crs<-.sf Retrieve coordinate reference system from object
st_crs<-.sfc Retrieve coordinate reference system from object
st_delete Write simple features object to file or database
st_difference Geometric operations on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_difference.sfc Geometric operations on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_dimension Dimension, simplicity, validity or is_empty queries on simple feature geometries
st_disjoint Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_distance Compute geometric measurements
st_drivers Get GDAL drivers
st_drop_geometry Get, set, replace or rename geometry from an sf object
st_drop_geometry.default Get, set, replace or rename geometry from an sf object
st_drop_geometry.sf Get, set, replace or rename geometry from an sf object
st_equals Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_equals_exact Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_filter spatial join, spatial filter
st_filter.sf spatial join, spatial filter
st_geometry Get, set, replace or rename geometry from an sf object
st_geometry.sf Get, set, replace or rename geometry from an sf object
st_geometry.sfc Get, set, replace or rename geometry from an sf object
st_geometry.sfg Get, set, replace or rename geometry from an sf object
st_geometry<- Get, set, replace or rename geometry from an sf object
st_geometrycollection Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list
st_geometry_type Return geometry type of an object
st_graticule Compute graticules and their parameters
st_inscribed_circle Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
st_interpolate_aw Areal-weighted interpolation of polygon data
st_interpolate_aw.sf Areal-weighted interpolation of polygon data
st_intersection Geometric operations on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_intersection.sf Geometric operations on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_intersection.sfc Geometric operations on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_intersects Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_is test equality between the geometry type and a class or set of classes
st_is_empty Dimension, simplicity, validity or is_empty queries on simple feature geometries
st_is_longlat Assert whether simple feature coordinates are longlat degrees
st_is_simple Dimension, simplicity, validity or is_empty queries on simple feature geometries
st_is_valid Check validity or make an invalid geometry valid
st_is_valid.sf Check validity or make an invalid geometry valid
st_is_valid.sfc Check validity or make an invalid geometry valid
st_is_valid.sfg Check validity or make an invalid geometry valid
st_is_within_distance Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_jitter jitter geometries
st_join spatial join, spatial filter
st_join.sf spatial join, spatial filter
st_layers Return properties of layers in a datasource
st_length Compute geometric measurements
st_linestring Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list
st_line_interpolate Project point on linestring, interpolate along a linestring
st_line_merge Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
st_line_project Project point on linestring, interpolate along a linestring
st_line_project_point Project point on linestring, interpolate along a linestring
st_line_sample Sample points on a linear geometry
st_make_grid Create a regular tesselation over the bounding box of an sf or sfc object
st_make_valid Check validity or make an invalid geometry valid
st_make_valid.sfc Check validity or make an invalid geometry valid
st_make_valid.sfg Check validity or make an invalid geometry valid
st_minimum_rotated_rectangle Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
st_multilinestring Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list
st_multipoint Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list
st_multipolygon Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list
st_m_range Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.CIRCULARSTRING Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.COMPOUNDCURVE Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.CURVEPOLYGON Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.GEOMETRYCOLLECTION Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.LINESTRING Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.MULTICURVE Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.MULTILINESTRING Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.MULTIPOINT Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.MULTIPOLYGON Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.MULTISURFACE Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.numeric Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.POINT Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.POLYGON Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.POLYHEDRALSURFACE Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.sf Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.sfc Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.TIN Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_m_range.TRIANGLE Return 'm' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_nearest_feature get index of nearest feature
st_nearest_points get nearest points between pairs of geometries
st_nearest_points.sf get nearest points between pairs of geometries
st_nearest_points.sfc get nearest points between pairs of geometries
st_nearest_points.sfg get nearest points between pairs of geometries
st_node Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
st_normalize Normalize simple features
st_overlaps Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_perimeter Compute geometric measurements
st_point Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list
st_point_on_surface Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
st_polygon Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list
st_polygonize Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
st_precision Get precision
st_precision<- Get precision
st_read Read simple features or layers from file or database
st_read.character Read simple features or layers from file or database
st_read.DBIObject Read simple features or layers from file or database
st_relate Compute DE9-IM relation between pairs of geometries, or match it to a given pattern
st_reverse Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
st_sample sample points on or in (sets of) spatial features
st_sample.bbox sample points on or in (sets of) spatial features
st_sample.sf sample points on or in (sets of) spatial features
st_sample.sfc sample points on or in (sets of) spatial features
st_sample.sfg sample points on or in (sets of) spatial features
st_segmentize Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
st_set_agr get or set relation_to_geometry attribute of an 'sf' object
st_set_crs Retrieve coordinate reference system from object
st_set_geometry Get, set, replace or rename geometry from an sf object
st_set_precision Get precision
st_sf Create sf object
st_sfc Create simple feature geometry list column
st_shift_longitude Shift or re-center geographical coordinates for a Pacific view
st_shift_longitude.sf Shift or re-center geographical coordinates for a Pacific view
st_shift_longitude.sfc Shift or re-center geographical coordinates for a Pacific view
st_simplify Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
st_snap Geometric operations on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_sym_difference Geometric operations on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_touches Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_transform Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature
st_transform.sf Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature
st_transform.sfc Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature
st_transform.sfg Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature
st_triangulate Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
st_triangulate_constrained Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
st_union Combine or union feature geometries
st_viewport Create viewport from sf, sfc or sfg object
st_voronoi Geometric unary operations on simple feature geometry sets
st_within Geometric binary predicates on pairs of simple feature geometry sets
st_wrap_dateline Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature
st_wrap_dateline.sf Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature
st_wrap_dateline.sfc Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature
st_wrap_dateline.sfg Transform or convert coordinates of simple feature
st_write Write simple features object to file or database Write simple features object to file or database
st_write.sf Write simple features object to file or database
st_write.sfc Write simple features object to file or database
st_zm Drop or add Z and/or M dimensions from feature geometries
st_z_range Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.CIRCULARSTRING Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.COMPOUNDCURVE Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.CURVEPOLYGON Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.GEOMETRYCOLLECTION Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.LINESTRING Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.MULTICURVE Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.MULTILINESTRING Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.MULTIPOINT Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.MULTIPOLYGON Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.MULTISURFACE Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.numeric Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.POINT Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.POLYGON Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.POLYHEDRALSURFACE Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.sf Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.sfc Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.TIN Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
st_z_range.TRIANGLE Return 'z' range of a simple feature or simple feature set
summarise Tidyverse methods for sf objects
summarise.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
summary.sfc Summarize simple feature column

-- T --

t.sgbp Methods for dealing with sparse geometry binary predicate lists
tibble Summarize simple feature type for tibble
tidyverse Tidyverse methods for sf objects
transform.sf transform method for sf objects
transmute.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
type_sum.sfc Summarize simple feature type for tibble

-- U --

ungroup.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
unite.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects
unnest.sf Tidyverse methods for sf objects

-- V --

valid Check validity or make an invalid geometry valid
vctrs vctrs methods for sf objects
vec_cast.sfc vctrs methods for sf objects
vec_cast.sfc.default vctrs methods for sf objects
vec_cast.sfc.sfc vctrs methods for sf objects
vec_ptype2.sfc vctrs methods for sf objects
vec_ptype2.sfc.default vctrs methods for sf objects
vec_ptype2.sfc.sfc vctrs methods for sf objects

-- W --

write_sf Write simple features object to file or database

-- misc --

$.crs Retrieve coordinate reference system from object
[.sf Create sf object
[.sfc Create simple feature geometry list column