Analyze Data Generated from Syntech Servosphere Trials

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Documentation for package ‘servosphereR’ version 0.1.1

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servosphereR-package servosphereR: A package to facilitate cleaning and analyzing data produced by a servosphere.
aggregateData Aggregate data frames
atan3 Calculate angle between a vector and y-axis
calcBearing Calculate bearing
calcDistance Calculate distance
calcTurnAngle Calculate turn angle
calcTurnVelocity Calculate turn velocity
calcVelocity Calculate velocity
calcXY Calculate (x, y) coordinates
cleanNames Set column names for list of data frames
getFiles Return a list of data frames generated from the servosphere
mergeTrialInfo Merge trial id information
servosphere Example servosphere data
servosphereR servosphereR: A package to facilitate cleaning and analyzing data produced by a servosphere.
summaryAvgBearing Calculate average bearing
summaryAvgVelocity Calculate average velocity
summaryNetDisplacement Calculate net displacement
summaryStops Summarize the number and length of stops
summaryTortuosity Calculate tortuosity
summaryTotalDistance Calculate total path distance