close.serialConnection |
Function to close an serial interface. |
flush.serialConnection |
Flushes the connection. |
isOpen |
Generic function for isOpen |
isOpen.default |
Default function from base-package |
isOpen.serialConnection |
Tests whether the connection is open or not |
listPorts |
Lists the serial interfaces. |
nBytesInQueue |
Reads out the number of characters / bytes pending in the input and output buffer |
open.serialConnection |
Function to initialize an serial interface. |
print.serialConnection |
Print method for serialConnection |
read.serialConnection |
Reads from the serial interface. |
serial |
A serial communication interface for R. |
serialConnection |
Sets up the interface parameters. |
summary.serialConnection |
Serial Connection Summary |
write.serialConnection |
Wirtes data to serial interface. |