seqICP.s {seqICP} | R Documentation |
Sequential Invariant Causal Prediction for an individual set S
Tests whether the conditional distribution of Y given X^S is invariant across time, by assuming a linear dependence model.
seqICP.s(X, Y, S, test = "decoupled", par.test = list(grid = c(0,
round(nrow(X)/2), nrow(X)), complements = FALSE, link = sum, alpha = 0.05, B =
100, permutation = FALSE), model = "iid", par.model = list(pknown = FALSE,
p = 0, max.p = 10))
X |
matrix of predictor variables. Each column corresponds to one predictor variable. |
Y |
vector of target variable, with length(Y)=nrow(X). |
S |
vector containing the indicies of predictors to be tested |
test |
string specifying the hypothesis test used to test for invariance of a parent set S (i.e. the null hypothesis H0_S). The following tests are available: "decoupled", "combined", "trend", "variance", "block.mean", "block.variance", "block.decoupled", "smooth.mean", "smooth.variance", "smooth.decoupled" and "hsic". |
par.test |
parameters specifying hypothesis test. The
following parameters are available: |
model |
string specifying the underlying model class. Either "iid" if Y consists of independent observations or "ar" if Y has a linear time dependence structure. |
par.model |
parameters specifying model. The following
parameters are available: |
The function can be applied to two types of models
(1) a linear model (model="iid")
Y_i = a X_i^S + N_i
with iid noise N_i and
(2) a linear autoregressive model (model="ar")
Y_t = a_0 X_t^S + ... + a_p (Y_(t-p),X_(t-p)) + N_t
with iid noise N_t.
For both models the hypothesis test specified by the test
parameter is used to test whether the set S leads to an invariant
model. For futher details see the references.
list containing the following elements
test.stat |
value of the test statistic. |
crit.value |
critical value computed using a Monte-Carlo simulation of the null distribution. |
p.value |
p-value. |
p |
number of lags that were used. | |
'lm' object of linear model fit. |
Niklas Pfister and Jonas Peters
Pfister, N., P. Bühlmann and J. Peters (2017). Invariant Causal Prediction for Sequential Data. ArXiv e-prints (1706.08058).
Peters, J., P. Bühlmann, and N. Meinshausen (2016). Causal inference using invariant prediction: identification and confidence intervals. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (with discussion) 78 (5), 947–1012.
See Also
To estimate the set of causal parents use the function
. For non-linear models use the
corresponding functions seqICPnl
# environment 1
na <- 130
X1a <- rnorm(na,0,0.1)
Ya <- 5*X1a+rnorm(na,0,0.5)
X2a <- Ya+rnorm(na,0,0.1)
# environment 2
nb <- 70
X1b <- rnorm(nb,-1,1)
Yb <- 5*X1b+rnorm(nb,0,0.5)
X2b <- rnorm(nb,0,0.1)
# combine environments
X1 <- c(X1a,X1b)
X2 <- c(X2a,X2b)
Y <- c(Ya,Yb)
Xmatrix <- cbind(X1, X2)
# apply seqICP.s to all possible sets - only the true parent set S=1
# is invariant in this example
seqICP.s(Xmatrix, Y, S=numeric(), par.test=list(grid=c(0,50,100,150,200)))
seqICP.s(Xmatrix, Y, S=1, par.test=list(grid=c(0,50,100,150,200)))
seqICP.s(Xmatrix, Y, S=2, par.test=list(grid=c(0,50,100,150,200)))
seqICP.s(Xmatrix, Y, S=c(1,2), par.test=list(grid=c(0,50,100,150,200)))