model |
An object of class hmm or mhmm .
em_step |
Logical. Whether or not to use the EM algorithm at the start
of the parameter estimation. The default is TRUE .
global_step |
Logical. Whether or not to use global optimization via
nloptr (possibly after the EM step). The default is FALSE .
local_step |
Logical. Whether or not to use local optimization via
nloptr (possibly after the EM and/or global steps). The default is FALSE .
control_em |
Optional list of control parameters for the EM algorithm.
Possible arguments are
- maxeval
The maximum number of iterations, the default is 1000.
Note that iteration counter starts with -1 so with maxeval=1 you get already two iterations.
This is for backward compatibility reasons.
- print_level
The level of printing. Possible values are 0
(prints nothing), 1 (prints information at the start and the end of the algorithm),
2 (prints at every iteration),
and for mixture models 3 (print also during optimization of coefficients).
- reltol
Relative tolerance for convergence defined as
(logLiknew−logLikold)/(abs(logLikold)+0.1) .
The default is 1e-10.
- restart
A list containing options for possible EM restarts with the
following components:
- times
Number of restarts of the EM algorithm using random initial values. The default is 0, i.e. no restarts.
- transition
Logical. Should the original transition probabilities be varied? The default is TRUE .
- emission
Logical. Should the original emission probabilities be varied? The default is TRUE .
- sd
Standard deviation for rnorm used in randomization. The default is 0.25.
- maxeval
Maximum number of iterations, the default is control_em$maxeval
- print_level
Level of printing in restarted EM steps. The default is control_em$print_level .
- reltol
Relative tolerance for convergence at restarted EM steps. The default is control_em$reltol .
If the relative change of the final model of the restart phase is larger than the tolerance
for the original EM phase, the final model is re-estimated with the original reltol
and maxeval at the end of the EM step.
- n_optimum
Save the log-likelihood values of the n_optimum best
models (from all estimated models including the the first EM run.).
The default is min(times + 1, 25) .
- use_original
If TRUE . Use the initial values of the input model as starting
points for the permutations. Otherwise permute the results of the first EM run.
control_global |
Optional list of additional arguments for
nloptr argument opts . The default values are
- algorithm
- local_opts
list(algorithm = "NLOPT_LD_LBFGS", ftol_rel = 1e-6, xtol_rel = 1e-4)
- maxeval
10000 (maximum number of iterations in global optimization algorithm.)
- maxtime
60 (maximum time for global optimization. Set to 0 for unlimited time.)
control_local |
Optional list of additional arguments for
nloptr argument opts . The default values are
- algorithm
- ftol_rel
- xtol_rel
- maxeval
10000 (maximum number of iterations)
lb , ub |
Lower and upper bounds for parameters in Softmax parameterization.
The default interval is [pmin(−25,2∗initialvalues),pmax(25,2∗initialvalues)] ,
except for gamma coefficients,
where the scale of covariates is taken into account.
Note that it might still be a good idea to scale covariates around unit scale.
Bounds are used only in the global optimization step.
threads |
Number of threads to use in parallel computing. The default is 1.
log_space |
Make computations using log-space instead of scaling for greater
numerical stability at a cost of decreased computational performance. The default is FALSE .
... |
Additional arguments to nloptr .
maxit |
Number of iterations. After zeroing small values, the model is
refitted, and this is repeated until there is nothing to trim or maxit
iterations are done.
return_loglik |
Return the log-likelihood of the trimmed model together with
the model object. The default is FALSE .
zerotol |
Values smaller than this are trimmed to zero.
verbose |
Print results of trimming. The default is TRUE .