Send Errors and Messages to Sentry

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Documentation for package ‘sentryR’ version 1.1.2

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calls_to_stacktrace Convert function call to a stack trace
capture Send a message to a Sentry server
capture_exception Report an error or exception object
capture_function_calls Capture function calls
capture_message Report a message to Sentry
configure_sentry Configure Sentry
default_error_handler Default error handler for Plumber
is_sentry_configured Check if Sentry is configured
parse_dsn Parse a Sentry DSN into its components
prepare_payload Prepare JSON payload for Sentry
sentryR 'sentryR' package
sentry_error_handler Error handler with Sentry reporting
sentry_headers Set the call header
sentry_url Build the call URL
with_captured_calls Create safe function
wrap_error_handler_with_sentry Wrap a plumber error handler such that it reports errors to Sentry