sentiment {sentimentr}R Documentation

Polarity Score (Sentiment Analysis)


Approximate the sentiment (polarity) of text by sentence. This function allows the user to easily alter (add, change, replace) the default polarity an valence shifters dictionaries to suit the context dependent needs of a particular data set. See the polarity_dt and valence_shifters_dt arguments for more information. Other hyper-parameters may add additional fine tuned control of the algorithm that may boost performance in different contexts.


  polarity_dt = lexicon::hash_sentiment_jockers_rinker,
  valence_shifters_dt = lexicon::hash_valence_shifters,
  hyphen = "",
  amplifier.weight = 0.8,
  n.before = 5,
  n.after = 2,
  question.weight = 1,
  adversative.weight = 0.25, = FALSE,
  missing_value = 0,
  retention_regex = "\\d:\\d|\\d\\s|[^[:alpha:]',;: ]",



The text variable. Can be a get_sentences object or a raw character vector though get_sentences is preferred as it avoids the repeated cost of doing sentence boundary disambiguation every time sentiment is run.


A data.table of positive/negative words and weights with x and y as column names. The lexicon package has several dictionaries that can be used, including:

  • lexicon::hash_sentiment_jockers_rinker

  • lexicon::hash_sentiment_jockers

  • lexicon::emojis_sentiment

  • lexicon::hash_sentiment_emojis

  • lexicon::hash_sentiment_huliu

  • lexicon::hash_sentiment_loughran_mcdonald

  • lexicon::hash_sentiment_nrc

  • lexicon::hash_sentiment_senticnet

  • lexicon::hash_sentiment_sentiword

  • lexicon::hash_sentiment_slangsd

  • lexicon::hash_sentiment_socal_google

Additionally, the as_key function can be used to make a sentiment frame suitable for polarity_dt. This takes a 2 column data.frame with the first column being words and the second column being polarity values. Note that as of version 1.0.0 sentimentr switched from the Liu & HU (2004) dictionary as the default to Jocker's (2017) dictionary from the syuzhet package. Use lexicon::hash_sentiment_huliu to obtain the old behavior.


A data.table of valence shifters that can alter a polarized word's meaning and an integer key for negators (1), amplifiers [intensifiers] (2), de-amplifiers [downtoners] (3) and adversative conjunctions (4) with x and y as column names.


The character string to replace hyphens with. Default replaces with nothing so 'sugar-free' becomes 'sugarfree'. Setting hyphen = " " would result in a space between words (e.g., 'sugar free'). Typically use either " " or default "".


The weight to apply to amplifiers/de-amplifiers [intensifiers/downtoners] (values from 0 to 1). This value will multiply the polarized terms by 1 + this value.


The number of words to consider as valence shifters before the polarized word. To consider the entire beginning portion of a sentence use n.before = Inf.


The number of words to consider as valence shifters after the polarized word. To consider the entire ending portion of a sentence use n.after = Inf.


The weighting of questions (values from 0 to 1). Default is 1. A 0 corresponds with the belief that questions (pure questions) are not polarized. A weight may be applied based on the evidence that the questions function with polarized sentiment. In an opinion tasks such as a course evalaution the questions are more likely polarized, not designed to gain information. On the other hand, in a setting with more natural dialogue, the question is less likely polarized and is likely to function as a means to gather information.


The weight to give to adversative conjunctions or contrasting conjunctions (e.g., "but") that overrule the previous clause (Halliday & Hasan, 2013). Weighting a contrasting statement stems from the belief that the adversative conjunctions like "but", "however", and "although" amplify the current clause and/or down weight the prior clause. If an adversative conjunction is located before the polarized word in the context cluster the cluster is up-weighted 1 + number of occurrences of the adversative conjunctions before the polarized word times the weight given (1+Nadversativeconjunctionsz21 + N_{adversative\,conjunctions} * z_2 where z2z_2 is the adversative.weight). Conversely, an adversative conjunction found after the polarized word in a context cluster down weights the cluster 1 - number of occurrences of the adversative conjunctions after the polarized word times the weight given (1+Nadversativeconjunctions1z21 + N_{adversative\,conjunctions}*-1 * z_2). These are added to the deamplifier and amplifier weights and thus the down weight is constrained to -1 as the lower bound. Set to zero to remove adversative conjunction weighting.

logical. If TRUE, and 'like' is found in the polarity_dt, when the word 'like' is preceded by one of the following linking verbs: "'s", "was", "is", "has", "am", "are", "'re", "had", or "been" it is neutralized as this non-verb form of like is not likely polarized. This is a poor man's part of speech tagger, maintaining the balance between speed and accuracy. The word 'like', as a verb, tends to be polarized and is usually preceded by a noun or pronoun, not one of the linking verbs above. This hyper parameter doesn't always yield improved results depending on the context of where the text data comes from. For example, it is likely to be more useful in literary works, where like is often used in non-verb form, than product comments. Use of this parameter will add compute time, this must be weighed against the need for accuracy and the likeliness that more accurate results will come from setting this argument to TRUE.


A value to replace NA/NaN with. Use NULL to retain missing values.


A regex of what characters to keep. All other characters will be removed. Note that when this is used all text is lower case format. Only adjust this parameter if you really understand how it is used. Note that swapping the \\p{L} for [^[:alpha:];:,\'] may retain more alpha letters but will likely decrease speed. See examples below for how to test the need for \\p{L}.




The equation used by the algorithm to assign value to polarity of each sentence fist utilizes the sentiment dictionary to tag polarized words. Each paragraph (pi={s1,s2,...,sn}p_i = \{s_1, s_2, ..., s_n\}) composed of sentences, is broken into element sentences (si,j={w1,w2,...,wn}s_i,j = \{w_1, w_2, ..., w_n\}) where ww are the words within sentences. Each sentence (sjs_j) is broken into a an ordered bag of words. Punctuation is removed with the exception of pause punctuations (commas, colons, semicolons) which are considered a word within the sentence. I will denote pause words as cwcw (comma words) for convenience. We can represent these words as an i,j,k notation as wi,j,kw_{i,j,k}. For example w3,2,5w_{3,2,5} would be the fifth word of the second sentence of the third paragraph. While I use the term paragraph this merely represent a complete turn of talk. For example t may be a cell level response in a questionnaire composed of sentences.

The words in each sentence (wi,j,kw_{i,j,k}) are searched and compared to a dictionary of polarized words (e.g., Jockers (2017) dictionary found in the lexicon package). Positive (wi,j,k+w_{i,j,k}^{+}) and negative (wi,j,kw_{i,j,k}^{-}) words are tagged with a +1+1 and 1-1 respectively. I will denote polarized words as pwpw for convenience. These will form a polar cluster (ci,j,lc_{i,j,l}) which is a subset of the a sentence (ci,j,lsi,jc_{i,j,l} \subseteq s_i,j ).

The polarized context cluster (ci,j,lc_{i,j,l}) of words is pulled from around the polarized word (pwpw) and defaults to 4 words before and two words after pwpw) to be considered as valence shifters. The cluster can be represented as (ci,j,l={pwi,j,knb,...,pwi,j,k,...,pwi,j,kna}c_{i,j,l} = \{pw_{i,j,k - nb}, ..., pw_{i,j,k} , ..., pw_{i,j,k - na}\}), where nbnb & nana are the parameters n.before and n.after set by the user. The words in this polarized context cluster are tagged as neutral (wi,j,k0w_{i,j,k}^{0}), negator (wi,j,knw_{i,j,k}^{n}), amplifier [intensifier]] (wi,j,kaw_{i,j,k}^{a}), or de-amplifier [downtoner] (wi,j,kdw_{i,j,k}^{d}). Neutral words hold no value in the equation but do affect word count (nn). Each polarized word is then weighted (ww) based on the weights from the polarity_dt argument and then further weighted by the function and number of the valence shifters directly surrounding the positive or negative word (pwpw). Pause (cwcw) locations (punctuation that denotes a pause including commas, colons, and semicolons) are indexed and considered in calculating the upper and lower bounds in the polarized context cluster. This is because these marks indicate a change in thought and words prior are not necessarily connected with words after these punctuation marks. The lower bound of the polarized context cluster is constrained to max{pwi,j,knb,1,max{cwi,j,k<pwi,j,k}}\max \{pw_{i,j,k - nb}, 1, \max \{cw_{i,j,k} < pw_{i,j,k}\}\} and the upper bound is constrained to min{pwi,j,k+na,wi,jn,min{cwi,j,k>pwi,j,k}}\min \{pw_{i,j,k + na}, w_{i,jn}, \min \{cw_{i,j,k} > pw_{i,j,k}\}\} where wi,jnw_{i,jn} is the number of words in the sentence.

The core value in the cluster, the polarized word is acted upon by valence shifters. Amplifiers (intensifiers) increase the polarity by 1.8 (.8 is the default weight (zz)). Amplifiers (wi,j,kaw_{i,j,k}^{a}) become de-amplifiers if the context cluster contains an odd number of negators (wi,j,knw_{i,j,k}^{n}). De-amplifiers (downtoners) work to decrease the polarity. Negation (wi,j,knw_{i,j,k}^{n}) acts on amplifiers/de-amplifiers as discussed but also flip the sign of the polarized word. Negation is determined by raising -1 to the power of the number of negators (wi,j,knw_{i,j,k}^{n}) + 2. Simply, this is a result of a belief that two negatives equal a positive, 3 negatives a negative and so on.

The adversative conjunctions (i.e., 'but', 'however', and 'although') also weight the context cluster. A adversative conjunction before the polarized word (wadversativeconjunction,...,wi,j,kpw_{adversative\,conjunction}, ..., w_{i, j, k}^{p}) up-weights the cluster by 1+z2{wadversativeconjunction,...,wi,j,kp}1 + z_2 * \{|w_{adversative\,conjunction}|, ..., w_{i, j, k}^{p}\} (.85 is the default weight (z2z_2)). An adversative conjunction after the polarized word down-weights the cluster by 1+{wi,j,kp,...,wadversativeconjunction1}z21 + \{w_{i, j, k}^{p}, ..., |w_{adversative\,conjunction}| * -1\} * z_2. The number of occurrences before and after the polarized word are multiplied by 1 and -1 respectively and then summed within context cluster. It is this value that is multiplied by the weight and added to 1. This corresponds to the belief that an adversative conjunction makes the next clause of greater values while lowering the value placed on the prior clause.

The researcher may provide a weight zz to be utilized with amplifiers/de-amplifiers (default is .8; de-amplifier weight is constrained to -1 lower bound). Last, these weighted context clusters (ci,j,lc_{i,j,l}) are summed (ci,jc'_{i,j}) and divided by the square root of the word count (wi,jn\sqrt{w_{i,jn}}) yielding an unbounded polarity score (δ\delta) for each sentence.



ci,j=((1+wamp+wdeamp)wi,j,kp(1)2+wneg)c'_{i,j}=\sum{((1 + w_{amp} + w_{deamp})\cdot w_{i,j,k}^{p}(-1)^{2 + w_{neg}})}

wamp=(wb>1)+(wneg(zwi,j,ka))w_{amp}= (w_{b} > 1) + \sum{(w_{neg}\cdot (z \cdot w_{i,j,k}^{a}))}

wdeamp=max(wdeamp,1)w_{deamp} = \max(w_{deamp'}, -1)

wdeamp=(wb<1)+(z(wnegwi,j,ka+wi,j,kd))w_{deamp'}= (w_{b} < 1) + \sum{(z(- w_{neg}\cdot w_{i,j,k}^{a} + w_{i,j,k}^{d}))}

wb=1+z2wbw_{b} = 1 + z_2 * w_{b'}

wb=(wadversativeconjunction,...,wi,j,kp,wi,j,kp,...,wadversativeconjunction1)w_{b'} = \sum{\\(|w_{adversative\,conjunction}|, ..., w_{i, j, k}^{p}, w_{i, j, k}^{p}, ..., |w_{adversative\,conjunction}| * -1}\\)

wneg=(wi,j,kn)mod2w_{neg}= \left(\sum{w_{i,j,k}^{n}}\right) \bmod {2}


Returns a data.table of:


The polarity score is dependent upon the polarity dictionary used. This function defaults to a combined and augmented version of Jocker's (2017) [originally exported by the syuzhet package] & Rinker's augmented Hu & Liu (2004) dictionaries in the lexicon package, however, this may not be appropriate, for example, in the context of children in a classroom. The user may (is encouraged) to provide/augment the dictionary (see the as_key function). For instance the word "sick" in a high school setting may mean that something is good, whereas "sick" used by a typical adult indicates something is not right or negative connotation (deixis).


Jockers, M. L. (2017). Syuzhet: Extract sentiment and plot arcs from text. Retrieved from

Hu, M., & Liu, B. (2004). Mining opinion features in customer reviews. National Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Halliday, M. A. K. & Hasan, R. (2013). Cohesion in English. New York, NY: Routledge. Links to papers on hedonometrics

See Also

Original URL:

Other sentiment functions: sentiment_by()


mytext <- c(
   'do you like it?  But I hate really bad dogs',
   'I am the best friend.',
   "Do you really like it?  I'm not a fan",
   "It's like a tree."

## works on a character vector but not the preferred method avoiding the 
## repeated cost of doing sentence boundary disambiguation every time 
## `sentiment` is run.  For small batches the loss is minimal.
## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

## preferred method avoiding paying the cost 
mytext <- get_sentences(mytext)
sentiment(mytext, question.weight = 0)

sam_dat <- get_sentences(gsub("Sam-I-am", "Sam I am", sam_i_am))
(sam <- sentiment(sam_dat))
plot(sam, scale_range = TRUE, low_pass_size = 5)
plot(sam, scale_range = TRUE, low_pass_size = 10)
## Not run: ## legacy transform functions from suuzhet
plot(sam, transformation.function = syuzhet::get_transformed_values)
plot(sam, transformation.function = syuzhet::get_transformed_values,  
    scale_range = TRUE, low_pass_size = 5)

## End(Not run)

y <- get_sentences(
    "He was not the sort of man that one would describe as especially handsome."
sentiment(y, n.before=Inf)

## Not run: ## Categorize the polarity (tidyverse vs. data.table):
sentiment(mytext) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
    mutate(category = case_when(
        sentiment < 0 ~ 'Negative', 
        sentiment == 0 ~ 'Neutral', 
        sentiment > 0 ~ 'Positive'
    ) %>%
    factor(levels = c('Negative', 'Neutral', 'Positive'))

dt <- sentiment(mytext)[, category := factor(fcase(
        sentiment < 0, 'Negative', 
        sentiment == 0, 'Neutral', 
        sentiment > 0, 'Positive'
    ), levels = c('Negative', 'Neutral', 'Positive'))][]

## End(Not run)

dat <- data.frame(
    w = c('Person 1', 'Person 2'),
    x = c(paste0(
        "Mr. Brown is nasty! He says hello. i give him rage.  i will ",
        "go at 5 p. m. eastern time.  Angry thought in between!go there"
    ), "One more thought for the road! I am going now.  Good day and good riddance."),
    y =[c(32, 38)], 
    z = c(.456, .124),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

## Not run: 
## tidy approach

hu_liu_cannon_reviews %>%
   mutate(review_split = get_sentences(text)) %$%

## End(Not run)

## Emojis
## Not run: 
## Load R twitter data
x <- read.delim(system.file("docs/r_tweets.txt", package = "textclean"), 
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


library(dplyr); library(magrittr)

## There are 2 approaches
## Approach 1: Replace with words
x %>%
    mutate(Tweet = replace_emoji(Tweet)) %$%

## Approach 2: Replace with identifier token
combined_emoji <- update_polarity_table(
    x = lexicon::hash_sentiment_emojis

x %>%
    mutate(Tweet = replace_emoji_identifier(Tweet)) %$%
    sentiment(Tweet, polarity_dt = combined_emoji)
## Use With Non-ASCII
## Warning: sentimentr has not been tested with languages other than English.
## The example below is how one might use sentimentr if you believe the 
## language you are working with are similar enough in grammar to for
## sentimentr to be viable (likely Germanic languages)
## english_sents <- c(
##     "I hate bad people.",
##     "I like yummy cookie.",
##     "I don't love you anymore; sorry."
## )

## Roughly equivalent to the above English
danish_sents <- stringi::stri_unescape_unicode(c(
    "Jeg hader d\\u00e5rlige mennesker.", 
    "Jeg kan godt lide l\\u00e6kker is.", 
    "Jeg elsker dig ikke mere; undskyld."


## Polarity terms
polterms <- stringi::stri_unescape_unicode(
    c('hader', 'd\\u00e5rlige', 'undskyld', 'l\\u00e6kker', 'kan godt', 'elsker')

## Make polarity_dt
danish_polarity <- as_key(data.frame(
    x = stringi::stri_unescape_unicode(polterms),
    y = c(-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1)

## Make valence_shifters_dt
danish_valence_shifters <- as_key(
    data.frame(x='ikke', y="1"), 
    sentiment = FALSE, 
    comparison = NULL

    polarity_dt = danish_polarity, 
    valence_shifters_dt = danish_valence_shifters, 
    retention_regex = "\\d:\\d|\\d\\s|[^\\p{L}',;: ]"

## A way to test if you need [:alpha:] vs \p{L} in `retention_regex`:

## 1. Does it wreck some of the non-ascii characters by default?

## 2.Does this?
sentimentr:::make_sentence_df2(danish_sents, "\\d:\\d|\\d\\s|[^\\p{L}',;: ]")

## If you answer yes to #1 but no to #2 you likely want \p{L}

## End(Not run)

[Package sentimentr version 2.9.0 Index]