Simple Sentiment Analysis Using Deep Learning

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Documentation for package ‘’ version 0.1.1

Help Pages Simple Sentiment Analysis Using Deep Learning
airline_tweets Airline Tweet Data
as_py_list as py list because R to Python conversion doesn't work with list is of length 1 setup
cosine Cosine Similarity
cosine_match Cosine Similarity
default Default sentiment matching dictionary
embed_text Create Text Embedding Matrix
get_default_embedding get default embedding If it exists, return the object. If not, try downloading it. If download works, return object. Else return 'NULL' (to be handles in 'embed_topics()'). setup
install_default_embeddings Function to grab the default embeddings for 'sentiment_match()' Necessary to keep package size under 5Mb. Will check if they're there, if so return TRUE. If they are not there, try download and return TRUE. Otherwise, return FALSE (and generate them - will take a few seconds!).
install_scoring_model Install a Scoring Model setup
matrix_similarity Cosine Similarity
read_embedding Read embedding file. Take json path, return single embedding object for specific model. Simple Sentiment Analysis Using Deep Learning
sentiment.env Sentiment AI Embedding Environment
sentiment_match Sentiment Matching
sentiment_score Simple Sentiment Scores