testHSIC {sensitivity}R Documentation

Tests of Independence based on the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion (HSIC)


testHSIC allows to test independence among all input-output pairs (Xi,Y)(Xi, Y) after a preliminary sensitivity analysis based on HSIC indices. testHSIC takes an object of class sensiHSIC (produced by a prior call to the function sensiHSIC that estimates HSIC indices) and it returns the estimated p-values after testing independence among all input-output pairs. For each input-output pair, having access to the p-value helps the user decide whether the null hypothesis H0H0: "XiXi and YY are independent" must be accepted or rejected. If the kernels selected in sensiHSIC are all characteristic, H0H0 can be rewritten "HSIC(Xi,Y)=0HSIC(Xi, Y)=0" and this paves the way to several test procedures.

Depending on the sample size and the chosen test statistic (either a U-statistic or a V-statistic), there are up to four different methods to test H0H0. The asymptotic test is recommended when the sample size nn is around a few hundreds (or more). When nn is smaller, a permutation-based test must be considered instead. As a general rule, permutation-based tests can always be applied but a much heavier computational load is to be expected. However, if HSIC indices were initially estimated with V-statistics, the Gamma test is a parametric method that offers an enticing tradeoff.


testHSIC(sensi, test.method = "Asymptotic", B = 3000,
         seq.options = list(criterion = "screening", alpha = 0.05,
                            Bstart = 200, Bfinal = 5000, Bbatch = 100, Bconv = 200,
                            graph = TRUE) )

## S3 method for class 'testHSIC'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'testHSIC'
plot(x, ylim = c(0, 1), err, ...)



An object of class "sensiHSIC" which is produced by a prior call to the function sensiHSIC. In particular, sensi must contain objects named "KX" (3D-array filled with all input Gram matrices), "KY" (output Gram matrix), "HSICXY" (estimated HSIC indices) and "estimator.type" (either "U-stat" or "V-stat"). In addition, if sensi results from a conditional sensitivity analysis, sensi must also contain objects named "cond" (list of options describing the conditioning event) and "weights" (normalized conditioning weights).


A string specifying the numerical procedure used to estimate the p-values of the HSIC-based independence tests. Available procedure include "Asymptotic" (asymptotic test), "Permutation" (permutation-based test), "Seq_Permutation" (sequential permutation-based test) and "Gamma" (Gamma test).

  • If sensi contains V-statistics, the asymptotic test (resp. the Gamma test) is recommended for large (resp. small) sample sizes. Otherwise, permutation-based tests can be used as well.

  • If sensi contains U-statistics, the Gamma test must not be employed. The asymptotic test is recommended for large sample sizes. Otherwise, permutation-based tests can be used as well.


Number of random permutations carried out on the output samples before the non-parametric estimation of p-values. Only relevant if test.method="Permutation".


A list of options guiding the sequential procedure. Only relevant if test.method="Seq_Permutaion".

  • criterion is a string specifying the stopping criterion. Available criteria include "screening" (permutations stop as soons as the estimated p-values have sufficiently converged so that they can be compared to the reference threshold alpha), "ranking" (permutations stop as soon as the estimated p-values have sufficiently converged so that they can be ranked) and "both" (permutations stop as soon as the two previous criteria are fulfilled).

  • alpha is a scalar value (between 00 and 11) specifying the type I error (probability of wrongly accepting H0H0). Only relevant if criterion is "screening" or "both".

  • Bstart is the initial number of random permutations before the first criterion check.

  • Bfinal is the maximum number of random permutations.

  • Bbatch is the number of permutations at each new iteration of the sequential procedure.

  • Bconv is the number of permutations that is used to determine whether convergence has already occured or not. For criterion="screening", convergence is assumed to be reached if the positions of the estimated p-values with respect to alpha no longer evolve after the Bconv latest permutations. For criterion="ranking", convergence is assumed to be reached if the rankings of the estimated p-values no longer evolve after the Bconv latest permutations.

  • graph is a boolean indicating whether the estimated p-values have to be plotted against the number of permutations.


An object of class "testHSIC" storing the parameters and results of independence testing.


A vector of two values specifying the y-coordinate plotting limits.


A scalar value (between 00 and 11) specifying the reference type I error. This value is used to plot a vertical line.


Additional options.


Why and how to properly choose kernels?

For a given input-output pair of variables, the Hilbert-Schmidt independence criterion (HSIC) is a dissimilarity measure between the joint bivariate distribution and the product of marginal distributions. Dissimilarity between those two distributions is measured through the squared norm of the distance between their respective embeddings in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) that directly depends on the selected input kernel KiKi and the selected output kernel KYKY.

It must always be kept in mind that this criterion allows to detect independence within the pair (Xi,Y)(Xi, Y) provided that the two kernels are characteristic.

The reader is referred to Fukumizu et al. (2004) for the mathematical definition of a characteristic kernel and to Sriperumbur et al. (2010) for an overview of the major related results.

Responsability for kernel selection is left to the user while calling the function sensiHSIC. Let us simply recall that:

Which test method is most appropriate?

The test statistic for the pair (Xi,Y)(Xi, Y) is either the U-statistic or the V-statistic associated to HSIC(Xi,Y)HSIC(Xi, Y).

If a V-statistic was used in sensiHSIC, four different test methods can be considered.

If a U-statistic was used in sensiHSIC, the estimated value of HSIC(Xi,Y)HSIC(Xi,Y) may be negative.

What about target and conditional HSIC indices?

In Marrel and Chabridon (2021), HSIC indices were adapted to target sensitivity analysis (thus becoming T-HSIC indices) and to conditional sensitivity analysis (thus becoming C-HSIC indices). Tests of independence can still be useful after estimating T-HSIC indices or C-HSIC indices.


testHSIC returns a list of class "testHSIC". It contains test.method, B (for the permutation-based test), seq.options (for the sequential permutation-based test) and the following objects:


The matched call.


The estimated p-values after testing independence for all input-output pairs.


A vector of two strings.

  • The first string indicates if the chosen test method is asymptotic or non-asymptotic.

  • The second string indicates if the chosen test method is parametric or non-parametric.


Only if test.method is "Asymptotic" or "Gamma".
A string indicating the parametric family used to estimate p-values.


Only if test.method is "Asymptotic" or "Gamma".
A 22-column (resp. 33-column) matrix containing the parameters of the Gamma (resp. Pearson III) distributions used to estimate p-values.


Only if test.method="Permutation".
A BB-column matrix containing simulated values of the test statistics after randomly permuting the output samples. Each column in Hperm corresponds to one random permutation.


Only if test.method="Seq_Permutation".
A matrix containing all estimated p-values over the sequential test procedure. The ii-th row provides all estimates of the ii-th p-value as the number of permutations increases. If one row ends with a sequence of missing values NA, it means permutations were stopped earlier for this input variable. This can only happen if test.method=screening.


Sebastien Da Veiga, Amandine Marrel, Anouar Meynaoui, Reda El Amri and Gabriel Sarazin.


El Amri, M. R. and Marrel, A. (2022), Optimized HSIC-based tests for sensitivity analysis: application to thermalhydraulic simulation of accidental scenario on nuclear reactor, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 38(3), 1386-1403.

El Amri, M. R. and Marrel, A. (2021), More powerful HSIC-based independence tests, extension to space-filling designs and functional data. https://cea.hal.science/cea-03406956/

Fukumizu, K., Bach, F. R. and Jordan, M. I. (2004), Dimensionality reduction for supervised learning with reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 5(Jan), 73-99.

Gretton, A., Fukumizu, K., Teo, C., Song, L., Scholkopf, B. and Smola, A. (2007), A kernel statistical test of independence, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 20.

Kazi-Aoual, F., Hitier, S., Sabatier, R. and Lebreton, J. D. (1995), Refined approximations to permutation tests for multivariate inference, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 20(6), 643-656.

Marrel, A. and Chabridon, V. (2021), Statistical developments for target and conditional sensitivity analysis: application on safety studies for nuclear reactor, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 214, 107711.

Meynaoui, A. (2019), New developments around dependence measures for sensitivity analysis: application to severe accident studies for generation IV reactors (Doctoral dissertation, INSA de Toulouse).

Sriperumbudur, B., Fukumizu, K. and Lanckriet, G. (2010), On the relation between universality, characteristic kernels and RKHS embedding of measures, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (pp. 773-780). JMLR Workshop and Conference Proceedings.

See Also

sensiHSIC, weightTSA



# Test case: the Ishigami function.

n <- 20   # very few input-output samples
p <- 3    # nb of input variables


X <- matrix(runif(n*p), n, p)
sensi <- sensiHSIC(model=ishigami.fun, X)
title("GSA for the Ishigami function")


test.asymp <- testHSIC(sensi)

test.perm <- testHSIC(sensi, test.method="Permutation")

test.seq.screening <- testHSIC(sensi, test.method="Seq_Permutation")

test.seq.ranking <- testHSIC(sensi, test.method="Seq_Permutation", 

test.seq.both <- testHSIC(sensi, test.method="Seq_Permutation", 

test.gamma <- testHSIC(sensi, test.method="Gamma")

# comparison of p-values

res <- rbind( t(as.matrix(test.asymp$pval)), t(as.matrix(test.perm$pval)), 
              t(as.matrix(test.seq.screening$pval)), t(as.matrix(test.seq.ranking$pval)),
              t(as.matrix(test.seq.both$pval)), t(as.matrix(test.gamma$pval)) )

rownames(res) <- c("asymp", "perm", "seq_perm_screening", 
                   "seq_perm_ranking", "seq_perm_both", "gamma")

# Conclusion: n is too small for the asymptotic test.
# Take n=200 and all four test methods will provide very close p-values.


# simulated values of HSIC indices under H0 (random permutations)
Hperm <- t(unname(test.perm$Hperm))

for(i in 1:p){
  # histogram of the test statistic under H0 (random permutations)
  title <- paste0("Histogram of S", i, " = HSIC(X", i, ",Y)")
  hist(Hperm[,i], probability=TRUE,
       nclass=70, main=title, xlab="", ylab="", col="cyan")
  # asymptotic Gamma distribution
  shape.asymp <- test.asymp$param[i, "shape"]
  scale.asymp <- test.asymp$param[i, "scale"]
  xx <- seq(0, max(Hperm[,i]), length.out=200)
  dens.asymp <- dgamma(xx, shape=shape.asymp, scale=scale.asymp)
  lines(xx, dens.asymp, lwd=2, col="darkorchid")
  # finite-sample Gamma distribution
  shape.perm <- test.gamma$param[i, "shape"]
  scale.perm <- test.gamma$param[i, "scale"]
  dens.perm <- dgamma(xx, shape=shape.perm, scale=scale.perm)
  lines(xx, dens.perm, lwd=2, col="blue")
  all.cap <- c("Asymptotic Gamma distribution", "Finite-sample Gamma distribution")
  all.col <- c("darkorchid", "blue")
  legend("topright", legend=all.cap, col=all.col, lwd=2, y.intersp=1.3)


[Package sensitivity version 1.30.0 Index]