Recursive Partitioning for Structural Equation Models

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Documentation for package ‘semtree’ version 0.9.20

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semtree-package SEM Tree Package
biodiversity Quantify bio diversity of a SEM Forest
coef.semtree Return the parameter estimates of a given leaf of a SEM tree
computePval_maxLR Wrapper function for computing the maxLR corrected p value from strucchange
diversityMatrix Diversity Matrix
evaluate Average Deviance of a Dataset given a Forest
evaluate.semforest Average Deviance of a Dataset given a Forest
evaluateDataLikelihood Compute the Negative Two-Loglikelihood of some data given a model (either OpenMx or lavaan)
evaluateTree Evaluate Tree -2LL
findOtherSplits Find Other Node Split Values
fitSubmodels Fit multigroup model for evaluating a candidate split
getDepth Get the depth (or, height) a tree.
getHeight Determine Height of a Tree
getLeafs Get a list of all leafs in a tree
getNodeById Get Node By Id
getNumNodes Tree Size
getParDiffForest Return list with parameter differences of a forest
getParDiffTree Return table with parameter differences of a tree
getTerminalNodes Returns all leafs of a tree
hellinger Distances
isLeaf Test whether a semtree object is a leaf.
kl Distances
klsym Distances
lgcm Simulated Linear Latent Growth Curve Data
merge.semforest Merge two SEM forests
modelEstimates Returns all estimates of a tree
nodeFunSemtree SEM Tree: Recursive Partitioning for Structural Equation Models
outliers Find outliers based on case proximity
parameters SEMtrees Parameter Estimates Table
partialDependence Compute partial dependence
partialDependence_data Create dataset to compute partial dependence
partialDependence_growth Compute partial dependence for latent growth models
plot.semforest Create a SEM Forest
plot.semforest.varimp SEM Forest Variable Importance
plot.semtree SEM Tree: Recursive Partitioning for Structural Equation Models
plotParDiffForest Plot parameter differences
plotParDiffTree Plot parameter differences
plotTreeStructure Plot tree structure
predict.semforest Predict method for semtree and semforest
print.semforest Create a SEM Forest
print.semforest.control SEM Forest Control Object
print.semforest.varimp SEM Forest Variable Importance
print.semtree SEM Tree: Recursive Partitioning for Structural Equation Models
print.semtree.control SEM Tree Control Object
proximity Compute proximity matrix
prune Prune a SEM Tree or SEM Forest
prune.semforest Prune a SEM Tree or SEM Forest
prune.semtree Prune a SEM Tree or SEM Forest
se SEMtrees Parameter Estimates Standard Error Table
semforest Create a SEM Forest
semforest.control SEM Forest Control Object
semforest_control SEM Forest Control Object
semforest_score_control SEM Forest Control Object
semtree SEM Tree: Recursive Partitioning for Structural Equation Models
semtree.constraints SEM Tree Constraints Object
semtree.control SEM Tree Control Object
strip Retain only basic tree structure
subforest Creates subsets of trees from forests
subtree SEMtree Partitioning Tool
summary.semtree SEM Tree: Recursive Partitioning for Structural Equation Models
toLatex.semtree SEM Tree: Recursive Partitioning for Structural Equation Models
toTable Tabular Representation of a SEM Tree
varimp SEM Forest Variable Importance
varimpConvergencePlot SEM Forest Variable Importance