sd_sis {semidist}R Documentation

Feature screening via semi-distance correlation


Implement the (grouped) feature screening for the classification problem via semi-distance correlation.


sd_sis(X, y, group_info = NULL, d = NULL, parallel = FALSE)



Data of multivariate covariates, which should be an n-by-p matrix.


Data of categorical response, which should be a factor of length n.


A list specifying the group information, with elements being sets of indicies of covariates in a same group. For example, list(c(1, 2, 3), c(4, 5)) specifies that covariates 1, 2, 3 are in a group and covariates 4, 5 are in another group.

Defaults to NULL. If NULL, then it will be set as list(1, 2, ..., p), that is, treat each single covariate as a group.

If X has colnames, then the colnames can be used to specified the group_info. For example, list(c("a", "b"), c("c", "d")).

The names of the list can help recoginize the group. For example, list(grp_ab = c("a", "b"), grp_cd = c("c", "d")). If names of the list are not specified, c("Grp 1", "Grp 2", ..., "Grp J") will be applied.


An integer specifying at least how many (single) features should be kept after screening. For example, if group_info = list(c(1, 2), c(3, 4)) and d = 3, then all features 1, 2, 3, 4 must be selected since it should guarantee at least 3 features are kept.

Defaults to NULL. If NULL, then it will be set as [n / log(n)], where [x] denotes the integer part of x.


A boolean indicating whether to calculate parallelly via furrr::future_map. Defaults to FALSE.


A list of the objects about the implemented feature screening:

See Also

sdcor() for calculating the sample semi-distance correlation.


X <- mtcars[, c("mpg", "disp", "hp", "drat", "wt", "qsec")]
y <- factor(mtcars[, "am"])

sd_sis(X, y, d = 4)

# Suppose we have prior information for the group structure as
# ("mpg", "drat"), ("disp", "hp") and ("wt", "qsec")
group_info <- list(
  mpg_drat = c("mpg", "drat"),
  disp_hp = c("disp", "hp"),
  wt_qsec = c("wt", "qsec")
sd_sis(X, y, group_info, d = 4)

[Package semidist version 0.1.0 Index]