scMANOVApermTest {semicontMANOVA}R Documentation

Multivariate ANalysis Of VAriance log-likelihood Test with Ridge Regularization for Semicontinuous High-Dimensional Data


scMANOVApermTest uses a permutation procedure to perform a test based on a Multivariate ANalysis Of VAriance(MANOVA) Likelihood Ratio test statistic with a ridge regularization. The statistic is developed for semicontinuous and high-dimensional data, but can be used also in low-dimensional scenarios.


scMANOVApermTest(x, n, lambda = NULL, lambda0 = NULL, lambda.step = 0.1,
  ident = FALSE, tol = 1e-08, penalty = function(n, p) log(n), B = 500,
  parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"), ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL,
  only.pvalue = TRUE, rm.vars = NA, ...)



data.frame or matrix of data with units on the rows and variables on the columns


vector. The length corresponds to the number of groups, the elements to the number of observations in each group


scalar or a vector of length 2. Ridge regularization parameter. The optimal value of lambda is searched in the specified interval when it is a vector of length 2, otherwise it is used as the optimal value


NULL, a scalar or a vector of length 2. Ridge regularization parameter under null hypothesis. The optimal value of lambda0 is searched in the specified interval when it is a vector of length 2, otherwise it is used as the optimal value


scalar. Step size used in the optimization procedure to find the smallest value of lambda (and lambda0) that makes the covariance matrices, under the alternative and under the null hypothesis, non singular


logical. If TRUE, lambda times the identity matrix is added to the raw estimated covariance matrix, if FALSE the diagonal values of the raw estimated covariance matrix are used instead


scalar. Used in the optimization procedure to find the smallest value of lambda (and lambda0) that makes the covariance matrices, under the alternative and under the null hypothesis, non singular


function with two arguments: sample size (n) and number of variables (p) used as penalty function in the definition of the Information Criterion to select the optimal values for lambda and lambda0


scalar. Number of permutations to run in the permutation test


The type of parallel operation to be used (if any)


integer. Number of processes to be used in parallel operation: typically one would chose this to the number of available CPUs.


An optional parallel or snow cluster to use if parallel = "snow". If not supplied, a cluster on the local machine is created for the duration of the call


logical. If TRUE only the p-value is returned


vector. It indicates the position of the variables to remove


Further parameters passed to parallel::mclapply in case of parallel="multicore"


If only.pvalue=TRUE (default) a scalar which is the p-value of the Wilks statistic obtain by a permutation procedure, otherwise an object of class htest


Elena Sabbioni, Claudio Agostinelli and Alessio Farcomeni


Elena Sabbioni, Claudio Agostinelli and Alessio Farcomeni (2024) A regularized MANOVA test for semicontinuous high-dimensional data. arXiv:

See Also

scMANOVA and scMANOVAestimation


  n <- c(5,5)
  p <- 20
  pmiss <- 0.1
  x <- scMANOVAsimulation(n=n, p=p, pmiss=pmiss)
  res <- scMANOVApermTest(x=x, n=n, lambda=3.59, lambda0=3.13,

[Package semicontMANOVA version 0.1-8 Index]