Dashboard with Fomantic UI Support for Shiny

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Documentation for package ‘semantic.dashboard’ version 0.2.1

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box Create a box.
column Create a column.
dashboardBody Create a body of a dashboard.
dashboardHeader Create a header of a dashboard.
dashboardPage Create a dashboard.
dashboardSidebar Create a sidebar of a dashboard.
dashboard_body Create a body of a dashboard.
dashboard_header Create a header of a dashboard.
dashboard_page Create a dashboard.
dashboard_sidebar Create a sidebar of a dashboard.
dropdownMenu Create a dropdown menu.
dropdownMenuOutput Create a dropdown menu output.
dropdown_menu Create a dropdown menu.
dropdown_menu_output Create a dropdown menu output.
get_dashboard_dependencies Get the semantic.dashboard dependencies
icon Create Semantic UI icon tag (alias for 'icon' for compatibility with 'shinydashboard')
infoBox Create a valueBox.
infoBoxOutput Create a value box output.
light_semantic_palette Semantic light colors https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI/blob/master/src/themes/default/globals/site.variables
menuItem Create a menu item.
menuItemOutput Create a menu item output.
menuSubItem Create a menu item.
menu_item Create a menu item.
menu_item_output Create a menu item output.
messageItem Create a message item.
message_item Create a message item.
notificationItem Create a notification item.
notification_item Create a notification item.
renderDropdownMenu Create a dropdown menu output.
renderInfoBox Create a value box output.
renderMenu Create a menu output.
renderValueBox Create a value box output.
render_dropdown_menu Create a dropdown menu output.
render_menu Create a menu output.
render_value_box Create a value box output.
semantic.dashboard semantic.dashboard
semantic_palette Semantic colors https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI/blob/master/src/themes/default/globals/site.variables
sidebarMenu Create a sidebar menu.
sidebarMenuOutput Create a sidebar menu output.
sidebar_menu Create a sidebar menu.
sidebar_menu_output Create a sidebar menu output.
tabBox Create a tab box.
tabItem Create a tab
tabItems Create a panel with tabs.
tab_box Create a tab box.
tab_item Create a tab
tab_items Create a panel with tabs.
taskItem Create a task item.
task_item Create a task item.
validate_tab_name Valid tab name should not containt dot character '.'.
valueBox Create a valueBox.
valueBoxOutput Create a value box output.
value_box Create a valueBox.
value_box_output Create a value box output.