R Client Implementing the W3C WebDriver Specification

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Documentation for package ‘seleniumPipes’ version 0.3.7

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seleniumPipes-package Implements the W3C webdriver specification.
acceptAlert Accept alert
acceptAlertOld Accept alert
addCookie Add a specific cookie.
back Navigate backwards
checkResponse Check the response from remote server
closeWindow Close the current window.
deleteAllCookies Delete all the cookies.
deleteCookie Delete a given cookie.
deleteSession Delete the session.
dismissAlert Dismiss Alert
dismissAlertOld Dismiss Alert
elementClear Clear an elements text value.
elementClick Click on an element.
elementSendKeys Send a sequence of key strokes to an element.
errorContent Returns the content from remote webdriver
errorResponse Return the response from remote webdriver
executeAsyncScript Execute JavaScript asynchronously on browser.
executeAsyncScriptOld executeAsyncScriptOld
executeScript Execute JavaScript on browser.
executeScriptOld Execute JavaScript asynchronously on browser.
findElement Search for an element on the page
findElementFromElement Search for an element on the page, starting from another element
findElements Search for multiple elements on the page
findElementsFromElement Search for multiple elements on the page, starting from another element.
forward Navigate forwards
fullscreenWindow Make current window full-screen
getActiveElement Get the element on the page that currently has focus.
getAlertText Get alert text
getAlertTextOld Get alert text
getAllCookies Get all current domain cookies
getCurrentUrl Retrieve the URL of the current page.
getElementAttribute Get the value of an element's attribute.
getElementCssValue Query the value of an element's computed CSS property.
getElementProperty Query the value of an elements property.
getElementRect Return the dimensions and coordinates of an element
getElementTagName Query for an element's tag name.
getElementText Returns the visible text for the element.
getNamedCookie Get a named cookie
getPageSource Get source of last page.
getTitle Get the current page title.
getWindowHandle get current window handle
getWindowHandleOld Retrieve the current window handle.
getWindowHandles Get all window handles.
getWindowHandlesOld Get all window handles.
getWindowPosition Get current window position
getWindowPositionOld Get window position
getWindowSize getWindowSize
getWindowSizeOld Get window size
go Navigate to a new URL.
isElementEnabled Determine if an element is currently enabled.
isElementSelected Determine if an element is currently selected.
maximizeWindow Maximize the current window.
maximizeWindowOld Maximize the current window.
newSession Create a new session.
performActions Not currently implemented
queryDriver Send a query to remote Driver.
refresh Refresh the current page.
releasingActions Not currently implemented
remoteDr Create a remote driver
retry Documetation of retry argument
seleniumPipes Implements the W3C webdriver specification.
selKeys Selenium key mappings
sendAlertText Send text to alert
sendAlertTextOld Send text to alert
setTimeout Configure the amount of time that a particular type of operation can execute
setWindowPosition Change the position of the current window.
setWindowPositionOld Change the position of the specified window.
setWindowSize Change the size of the current window.
setWindowSizeOld Change the size of the specified window.
switchToFrame Change focus to another frame on the page.
switchToParentFrame Change focus to the parent context.
switchToWindow Change focus to another window.
takeElementScreenshot takeElementScreenshot
takeScreenshot takeScreenshot
wbElement Create a Web Element