Low-Level Browser Automation Interface

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Documentation for package ‘selenium’ version 0.1.3

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actions_mousedown Press, release or move the mouse
actions_mousemove Press, release or move the mouse
actions_mouseup Press, release or move the mouse
actions_pause Wait for a period of time
actions_press Press or release a key
actions_release Press or release a key
actions_scroll Scroll the page
actions_stream Create a set of actions to be performed
get_server_status Is a selenium server instance running?
keys A list of special keys
key_chord Combine special keys
SeleniumSession Start a Selenium Client session
selenium_server Download and start the Selenium server.
selenium_server_available Is a selenium server instance running?
ShadowRoot Create a shadow root
wait_for_selenium_available Is a selenium server instance running?
WebElement Create a live element