seewave-package | Sound analysis and synthesis |
ACI | Acoustic Complexity Index |
acoustat | Statistics on time and frequency STFT contours |
addsilw | Add or insert a silence section |
afilter | Amplitude filter |
akamatsu | Water tank minimum resonant and cutoff frequencies |
ama | Amplitude modulation analysis of a time wave |
AR | Acoustic Richness index |
attenuation | Generate sound intensity attenuation data |
audiomoth | Reading and interpreting Audiomoth file name |
audiomoth.rename | Rename audiomoth files in a readable format |
autoc | Short-term autocorrelation of a time wave |
beep | Beep sound |
bwfilter | Butterworth frequency filter |
ccoh | Continuous coherence function between two time waves |
ceps | Cepstrum or real cepstrum |
cepstro | 2D-cepstrogram of a time wave |
coh | Coherence between two time waves |
combfilter | Comb filter |
convSPL | Convert sound pressure level in other units |
corenv | Cross-correlation between two time wave envelopes |
corspec | Cross-correlation between two frequency spectra |
covspectro | Covariance between two spectrograms |
crest | Crest factor and visualization |
csh | Continuous spectral entropy |
cutspec | Cut a frequency spectrum |
cutw | Cut a section of a time wave |
dBscale | dB colour scale for a spectrogram display |
dBweight | dB weightings |
deletew | Delete a section of a time wave |
dfreq | Dominant frequency of a time wave |
diffcumspec | Difference between two cumulative frequency spectra |
diffenv | Difference between two amplitude envelopes |
diffspec | Difference between two frequency spectra |
diffwave | Difference between two time waves |
discrets | Time series discretisation |
drawenv | Draw the amplitude envelope of a time wave |
drawfilter | Draw the amplitude profile of a frequency filter |
duration | Duration of a time wave |
dynoscillo | Dynamic oscillogram |
dynspec | Dynamic sliding spectrum |
dynspectro | Dynamic sliding spectrogramn |
echo | Echo generator |
env | Amplitude envelope of a time wave |
export | Export sound data |
fadew | Fade in and fade out of a time wave |
fbands | Frequency bands plot |
fdoppler | Doppler effect |
ffilter | Frequency filter |
field | Near field and far field limits |
fir | Finite Impulse Response filter |
fma | Frequency modulation analysis |
fpeaks | Frequency peak detection |
ftwindow | Fourier transform windows |
fund | Fundamental frequency track |
gammatone | Gammatone filter |
ggspectro | 2D-spectrogram of a time wave using ggplot2 |
H | Total entropy |
hilbert | Hilbert transform and analytic signal |
ifreq | Instantaneous frequency |
istft | Inverse of the short-term Fourier transform |
itakura.dist | Itakuro-Saito distance |
kl.dist | Kullback-Leibler distance |
ks.dist | Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance |
lfs | Linear Frequency Shift |
listen | Play a sound wave |
localpeaks | Local maximum frequency peak detection |
logspec.dist | Log-spectral distance |
lts | Long-term spectrogram |
M | Median of the amplitude envelope |
meandB | Mean of dB values |
meanspec | Mean frequency spectrum of a time wave |
mel | Hertz / Mel conversion |
melfilterbank | Mel-filter bank for MFCC computation |
micsens | Microphone sensitivity and conversion |
moredB | Addition of dB values |
mutew | Replace time wave data by 0 values |
NDSI | Normalized Difference Soundscape Index |
noisew | Generate noise |
notefreq | Frequency of a muscical note |
octaves | Octave values |
orni | Song of the cicada Cicada orni |
oscillo | Show a time wave as an oscillogram |
oscilloEQ | Oscillogram 'equalizer' |
oscilloST | Show a stereo time wave as oscillograms |
pastew | Paste a time wave to another one |
peewit | Song of the bird Vanellus vanellus |
pellucens | Calling song of the tree cricket Oecanthus pellucens |
phaseplot | Phase-phase 2D or 3D plot of a time wave |
phaseplot2 | Phase-phase 2D plot of a time wave |
playlist | Play a list of sound files |
preemphasis | Pre-emphasis speech filter |
pulsew | Generate rectangle pulse |
Q | Resonance quality factor of a frequency spectrum |
read.audacity | Audacity audio markers import |
repw | Repeat a time wave |
resamp | Resample a time wave |
revw | Time reverse of a time wave |
rmam | Remove the amplitude modulations of a time wave |
rmnoise | Remove noise |
rmoffset | Remove the offset of a time wave |
rms | Root Mean Square |
roughness | Roughness or total curvature |
rugo | Rugosity of a time wave |
savewav | Save a .wav file |
SAX | Symbolic Aggregate approXimation |
scd | Soundcape chord diagram |
sddB | Standard deviation of dB values |
seedata | A quick look at quantitative data |
seewave | Sound analysis and synthesis |
setenv | Set the amplitude envelope of a time wave to another one |
sfm | Spectral Flatness Measure |
sh | Shannon and Renyi spectral entropy |
sheep | Sheep bleat |
simspec | Similarity between two frequency spectra |
smoothw | A function to tentativily smooth a time wave |
songmeter | Reading and interpreting SongMeter file name |
songmeterdiag | Songmeter file diagnostics and diagram |
soundscapespec | Soundscape frequency spectrum of a time wave |
sox | Calls SoX |
spec | Frequency spectrum of a time wave |
specflux | Spectral flux |
specprop | Spectral properties |
spectro | 2D-spectrogram of a time wave |
spectro3D | 3D-spectrogram of a time wave |
squarefilter | Frequency square filter |
symba | Symbol analysis of a numeric (time) series |
synth | Synthesis of time wave (additive model) |
synth2 | Synthesis of time wave (tonal model) |
TFSD | normalized Time and Frequency Second Derivative |
th | Temporal entropy |
tico | Song of the bird Zonotrichia capensis |
timelapse | Time lapse |
timer | Time measurements of a time wave |
TKEO | Teager-Kaiser energy tracking operator |
tkeo | Teager-Kaiser energy tracking operator |
wasp | WAve length and SPeed of sound |
wav2dBSPL | Convert wave amplitude to instantaneous sound pressure level (dB SPL) |
wav2flac | wav-flac file conversion |
wav2leq | Convert wave amplitude to equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq) |
wf | Waterfall display |
write.audacity | Audacity audio markers export |
zapsilw | Zap silence periods of a time wave |
zc | Instantaneous frequency of a time wave by zero-crossing |
zcr | Zero-crossing rate |