Sound Analysis and Synthesis

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Documentation for package ‘seewave’ version 2.2.3

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seewave-package Sound analysis and synthesis

-- A --

ACI Acoustic Complexity Index
acoustat Statistics on time and frequency STFT contours
addsilw Add or insert a silence section
afilter Amplitude filter
akamatsu Water tank minimum resonant and cutoff frequencies
ama Amplitude modulation analysis of a time wave
AR Acoustic Richness index
attenuation Generate sound intensity attenuation data
audiomoth Reading and interpreting Audiomoth file name
audiomoth.rename Rename audiomoth files in a readable format
autoc Short-term autocorrelation of a time wave

-- B --

beep Beep sound
bwfilter Butterworth frequency filter

-- C --

ccoh Continuous coherence function between two time waves
ceps Cepstrum or real cepstrum
cepstro 2D-cepstrogram of a time wave
coh Coherence between two time waves
combfilter Comb filter
convSPL Convert sound pressure level in other units
corenv Cross-correlation between two time wave envelopes
corspec Cross-correlation between two frequency spectra
covspectro Covariance between two spectrograms
crest Crest factor and visualization
csh Continuous spectral entropy
cutspec Cut a frequency spectrum
cutw Cut a section of a time wave

-- D --

dBscale dB colour scale for a spectrogram display
dBweight dB weightings
deletew Delete a section of a time wave
dfreq Dominant frequency of a time wave
diffcumspec Difference between two cumulative frequency spectra
diffenv Difference between two amplitude envelopes
diffspec Difference between two frequency spectra
diffwave Difference between two time waves
discrets Time series discretisation
drawenv Draw the amplitude envelope of a time wave
drawfilter Draw the amplitude profile of a frequency filter
duration Duration of a time wave
dynoscillo Dynamic oscillogram
dynspec Dynamic sliding spectrum
dynspectro Dynamic sliding spectrogramn

-- E --

echo Echo generator
env Amplitude envelope of a time wave
export Export sound data

-- F --

fadew Fade in and fade out of a time wave
fbands Frequency bands plot
fdoppler Doppler effect
ffilter Frequency filter
field Near field and far field limits
fir Finite Impulse Response filter
fma Frequency modulation analysis
fpeaks Frequency peak detection
ftwindow Fourier transform windows
fund Fundamental frequency track

-- G --

gammatone Gammatone filter
ggspectro 2D-spectrogram of a time wave using ggplot2

-- H --

H Total entropy
hilbert Hilbert transform and analytic signal

-- I --

ifreq Instantaneous frequency
istft Inverse of the short-term Fourier transform
itakura.dist Itakuro-Saito distance

-- K --

kl.dist Kullback-Leibler distance
ks.dist Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance

-- L --

lfs Linear Frequency Shift
listen Play a sound wave
localpeaks Local maximum frequency peak detection
logspec.dist Log-spectral distance
lts Long-term spectrogram

-- M --

M Median of the amplitude envelope
meandB Mean of dB values
meanspec Mean frequency spectrum of a time wave
mel Hertz / Mel conversion
melfilterbank Mel-filter bank for MFCC computation
micsens Microphone sensitivity and conversion
moredB Addition of dB values
mutew Replace time wave data by 0 values

-- N --

NDSI Normalized Difference Soundscape Index
noisew Generate noise
notefreq Frequency of a muscical note

-- O --

octaves Octave values
orni Song of the cicada Cicada orni
oscillo Show a time wave as an oscillogram
oscilloEQ Oscillogram 'equalizer'
oscilloST Show a stereo time wave as oscillograms

-- P --

pastew Paste a time wave to another one
peewit Song of the bird Vanellus vanellus
pellucens Calling song of the tree cricket Oecanthus pellucens
phaseplot Phase-phase 2D or 3D plot of a time wave
phaseplot2 Phase-phase 2D plot of a time wave
playlist Play a list of sound files
preemphasis Pre-emphasis speech filter
pulsew Generate rectangle pulse

-- Q --

Q Resonance quality factor of a frequency spectrum

-- R --

read.audacity Audacity audio markers import
repw Repeat a time wave
resamp Resample a time wave
revw Time reverse of a time wave
rmam Remove the amplitude modulations of a time wave
rmnoise Remove noise
rmoffset Remove the offset of a time wave
rms Root Mean Square
roughness Roughness or total curvature
rugo Rugosity of a time wave

-- S --

savewav Save a .wav file
SAX Symbolic Aggregate approXimation
scd Soundcape chord diagram
sddB Standard deviation of dB values
seedata A quick look at quantitative data
seewave Sound analysis and synthesis
setenv Set the amplitude envelope of a time wave to another one
sfm Spectral Flatness Measure
sh Shannon and Renyi spectral entropy
sheep Sheep bleat
simspec Similarity between two frequency spectra
smoothw A function to tentativily smooth a time wave
songmeter Reading and interpreting SongMeter file name
songmeterdiag Songmeter file diagnostics and diagram
soundscapespec Soundscape frequency spectrum of a time wave
sox Calls SoX
spec Frequency spectrum of a time wave
specflux Spectral flux
specprop Spectral properties
spectro 2D-spectrogram of a time wave
spectro3D 3D-spectrogram of a time wave
squarefilter Frequency square filter
symba Symbol analysis of a numeric (time) series
synth Synthesis of time wave (additive model)
synth2 Synthesis of time wave (tonal model)

-- T --

TFSD normalized Time and Frequency Second Derivative
th Temporal entropy
tico Song of the bird Zonotrichia capensis
timelapse Time lapse
timer Time measurements of a time wave
TKEO Teager-Kaiser energy tracking operator
tkeo Teager-Kaiser energy tracking operator

-- W --

wasp WAve length and SPeed of sound
wav2dBSPL Convert wave amplitude to instantaneous sound pressure level (dB SPL)
wav2flac wav-flac file conversion
wav2leq Convert wave amplitude to equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq)
wf Waterfall display
write.audacity Audacity audio markers export

-- Z --

zapsilw Zap silence periods of a time wave
zc Instantaneous frequency of a time wave by zero-crossing
zcr Zero-crossing rate