Seeded Canonical Correlation Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘seedCCA’ version 3.1

Help Pages

coef.seedCCA Coefficients of ordinary and partial least squares through iterative projections
cookie cookie dataset
covplot scree-ploting cov(X, Y)
finalCCA finalized CCA in seeded CCA
fitted.seedCCA Fitted values of ordinary and partial least squares
iniCCA Initialized CCA in seeded CCA
nutrimouse Nutrimouse dataset
plot.seedCCA Plotting class "seedCCA" depending on the value of 'type'
Pm Projection of a seed matrix on to the column subspace of M with respect to 'Sx' inner-product
print.seedCCA basic function for printing class "seedCCA"
seedCCA Seeded Canonical correlation analysis
seeding increments of iterative projections increments of iterative projections with automatic stopping
seedols Ordinary least squares
seedpls Partial least squares through iterative projections
selectu Function that guides a selection of the terminating index when using seedCCA function