linearpopn.object {secrlinear}R Documentation

Description of Linear Population Objects


An object of class linearpopn, usually created in a call to sim.linearpopn and used as input to sim.capthist.


The object itself is a dataframe of coordinates for points along the mask, as for a 2-dimensional population (popn).

The attribute model2D is always “linear”.

The object has class c("linearpopn", "popn", "data.frame").

See Also

plot.linearpopn, popn.


glymepop <- sim.linearpopn(glymemask, 30)
plot(glymepop, jitter=1)

CH <- sim.capthist(traps(arvicola), glymepop, detectpar = list(g0 = 0.4,
    sigma = 40), noccasions = 6, userdist = networkdistance)

plot(CH, add = TRUE, tracks = TRUE)

[Package secrlinear version 1.2.2 Index]