pdot {secr}R Documentation

Net Detection Probability


Compute spatially explicit net probability of detection for individual(s) at given coordinates (pdot).


pdot(X, traps, detectfn = 0, detectpar = list(g0 = 0.2,
    sigma = 25, z = 1), noccasions = NULL, binomN = NULL,
    userdist = NULL, ncores = NULL) 

CVpdot(..., conditional = FALSE)    



vector or 2-column matrix of coordinates


traps object


integer code for detection function q.v.


a named list giving a value for each parameter of detection function


number of sampling intervals (occasions)


integer code for discrete distribution (see secr.fit)


user-defined distance function or matrix (see userdist)


integer number of threads


arguments passed to pdot


logical; if TRUE then computed mean and CV are conditional on detection


If traps has a usage attribute then noccasions is set accordingly; otherwise it must be provided.

The probability computed is p.(X)=1k{1ps(X,k)}Sp.(\mathbf{X}) = 1 - \prod\limits _{k} \{1 - p_s(\mathbf{X},k)\}^{S} where the product is over the detectors in traps, excluding any not used on a particular occasion. The per-occasion detection function psp_s is halfnormal (0) by default, and is assumed not to vary over the SS occasions.

For detection functions (10) and (11) the signal threshold ‘cutval’ should be included in detectpar, e.g., detectpar = list(beta0 = 103, beta1 = -0.11, sdS = 2, cutval = 52.5).

The calculation is not valid for single-catch traps because p.(X)p.(\mathbf{X}) is reduced by competition between animals.

userdist cannot be set if ‘traps’ is any of polygon, polygonX, transect or transectX. if userdist is a function requiring covariates or values of parameters ‘D’ or ‘noneuc’ then X must have a covariates attribute with the required columns.

Setting ncores = NULL uses the existing value from the environment variable RCPP_PARALLEL_NUM_THREADS (see setNumThreads).

CVpdot returns the expected mean and CV of pdot across the points listed in X, assuming uniform population density. X is usually a habitat mask. See Notes for details.


For pdot, a vector of probabilities, one for each row in X.

For CVpdot, a named vector with elements ‘meanpdot’ and ‘CVpdot’.


CVpdot computes the mean μ\mu and variance VV of the location-specific overall detection probability p.(X)p.(\mathbf{X}) as follows.

μ=p.(X)f(X)dX,\mu = \int p.(\mathbf{X}) f(\mathbf{X}) d\mathbf{X},

V=p.(X)2f(X)dXμ2.V = \int p.(\mathbf{X})^2 f(\mathbf{X}) d\mathbf{X} - \mu^2.

For uniform density and conditional = FALSE, f(X)f(\mathbf{X}) is merely a scaling factor independent of X\mathbf{X}.

If conditional = TRUE then f(X)=p.(X)/p.(X)dXf(\mathbf{X}) = p.(\mathbf{X}) / \int p.(\mathbf{X}) d\mathbf{X}.

The coefficient of variation is CV = V/μ\sqrt{V}/\mu.

See Also

secr, make.mask, Detection functions, pdot.contour, CV


## Not run: 

  temptrap <- make.grid()
  ## per-session detection probability for an individual centred
  ## at a corner trap. By default, noccasions = 5.
  pdot (c(0,0), temptrap, detectpar = list(g0 = 0.2, sigma = 25),
    noccasions = 5)
  msk <- make.mask(temptrap, buffer = 100)
  CVpdot(msk, temptrap, detectpar = list(g0 = 0.2, sigma = 25),
    noccasions = 5)

## End(Not run)

[Package secr version 4.6.9 Index]