update.seas {seasonal}R Documentation

Update and Re-evaluate a Seasonal Adjustment Model


Method to update and re-evaluate an object of class "seas".


## S3 method for class 'seas'
update(object, ..., evaluate = TRUE)



an object of class "seas", usually, a result of a call to seas().


spec-argument options sent to X-13 (with the same syntax as in seas())


logical. If TRUE, the call is evaluated.


Contrary to the default method of update(), the "seas" method uses the evaluated call, rather than the actual call for re- evaluation. This means you can savely use it in other functions, which is useful with lapply() and friends (see examples.)


Object of class "seas". Or an object of class "call" if evaluate = FALSE.

See Also

seas() for the main function.

static(), to return the (optionally evaluated) static call of a "seas" object.


# updating the call
m <- seas(AirPassengers)
update(m, x11 = "")
update(m, x = sqrt(AirPassengers), x11 = "")

# 'update' can be also used with lapply (or mapply)

# a list of time series
dta <- list(fdeaths = fdeaths, mdeaths = mdeaths)

# use 'seas' via lapply
ll <- lapply(dta, seas, x11 = "")

# use 'update' via lapply
lapply(ll, update, arima.model = c(0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1))

[Package seasonal version 1.9.0 Index]