series {seasonal} | R Documentation |
Import X-13ARIMA-SEATS Output Tables
With the exception of the composite spec, the series
function imports
all tables that can be saved in X-13ARIMA-SEATS.
series(x, series, reeval = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
x |
an object of class |
series |
character vector, short or long names of an X-13ARIMA-SEATS table. If a long name is specified, it needs to be combined with the spec name and separated by a dot (it is not unique, otherwise. See list below.). More than one series can be specified (see examples). |
reeval |
logical, if |
verbose |
logical, if |
If the save argument is not specified in the model call, series
re-evaluates the call with the corresponding specs enabled (also returning a
message). Note that re-evaluation doubles the overall computational time. If
you want to accelerate the procedure, you have to be explicit about the
output in the model call (see examples).
List of all importable tables from X-13ARIMA-SEATS:
spec | long name | short name |
check | check.acf | acf |
check | check.acfsquared | ac2 |
check | check.pacf | pcf |
composite | composite.adjcompositesrs | b1 |
composite | composite.calendaradjcomposite | cac |
composite | composite.compositesrs | cms |
composite | composite.indadjsatot | iaa |
composite | composite.indadjustfac | iaf |
composite | composite.indaoutlier | iao |
composite | composite.indcalendar | ica |
composite | composite.indirregular | iir |
composite | composite.indlevelshift | ils |
composite | composite.indmcdmovavg | if1 |
composite | composite.indmodirr | ie3 |
composite | composite.indmodoriginal | ie1 |
composite | composite.indmodsadj | ie2 |
composite | composite.indrevsachanges | i6a |
composite | composite.indrndsachanges | i6r |
composite | composite.indrobustsa | iee |
composite | composite.indsachanges | ie6 |
composite | composite.indsadjround | irn |
composite | composite.indseasadj | isa |
composite | composite.indseasonal | isf |
composite | composite.indseasonaldiff | isd |
composite | composite.indtotaladjustment | ita |
composite | composite.indtrend | itn |
composite | composite.indtrendchanges | ie7 |
composite | composite.indunmodsi | id8 |
composite | composite.origchanges | ie5 |
composite | composite.outlieradjcomposite | oac |
composite | composite.prioradjcomposite | ia3 |
estimate | estimate.armacmatrix | acm |
estimate | estimate.iterations | itr |
estimate | estimate.regcmatrix | rcm |
estimate | estimate.regressioneffects | ref |
estimate | estimate.residuals | rsd |
estimate | estimate.roots | rts |
force | force.forcefactor | ffc |
force | force.revsachanges | e6a |
force | force.rndsachanges | e6r |
force | force.saround | rnd |
force | force.seasadjtot | saa |
forecast | forecast.backcasts | bct |
forecast | forecast.forecasts | fct |
forecast | forecast.transformed | ftr |
forecast | forecast.transformedbcst | btr |
forecast | forecast.variances | fvr |
history | history.chngestimates | che |
history | history.chngrevisions | chr |
history | history.fcsterrors | fce |
history | history.fcsthistory | fch |
history | history.indsaestimates | iae |
history | history.indsarevisions | iar |
history | history.lkhdhistory | lkh |
history | history.outlierhistory | rot |
history | history.saestimates | sae |
history | history.sarevisions | sar |
history | history.seatsmdlhistory | smh |
history | history.sfestimates | sfe |
history | history.sfilterhistory | sfh |
history | history.sfrevisions | sfr |
history | history.trendchngestimates | tce |
history | history.trendchngrevisions | tcr |
history | history.trendestimates | tre |
history | history.trendrevisions | trr |
identify | identify.acf | iac |
identify | identify.pacf | ipc |
outlier | outlier.finaltests | fts |
outlier | outlier.iterations | oit |
regression | regression.aoutlier | ao |
regression | | hol |
regression | regression.levelshift | ls |
regression | regression.outlier | otl |
regression | regression.regressionmatrix | rmx |
regression | regression.regseasonal | a10 |
regression | regression.seasonaloutlier | so |
regression | regression.temporarychange | tc |
regression | regression.tradingday | td |
regression | regression.transitory | a13 |
regression | regression.userdef | usr |
seats | seats.adjustfac | s16 |
seats | seats.adjustmentratio | s18 |
seats | seats.cycle | cyc |
seats | seats.diffseasonaladj | dsa |
seats | seats.difftrend | dtr |
seats | seats.irregular | s13 |
seats | seats.longtermtrend | ltt |
seats | seats.seasadjconst | sec |
seats | seats.seasonal | s10 |
seats | seats.seasonaladj | s11 |
seats | seats.seasonaladjfcstdecomp | afd |
seats | seats.seasonalfcstdecomp | sfd |
seats | seats.seasonalsum | ssm |
seats | seats.seriesfcstdecomp | ofd |
seats | seats.totaladjustment | sta |
seats | seats.transitory | s14 |
seats | seats.transitoryfcstdecomp | yfd |
seats | seats.trend | s12 |
seats | seats.trendconst | stc |
seats | seats.trendfcstdecomp | tfd |
series | series.adjoriginal | b1 |
series | series.calendaradjorig | a18 |
series | series.outlieradjorig | a19 |
series | series.seriesmvadj | mv |
series | series.span | a1 |
seats | seats.componentmodels | mdc |
seats | seats.filtersaconc | fac |
seats | seats.filtersasym | faf |
seats | seats.filtertrendconc | ftc |
seats | seats.filtertrendsym | ftf |
seats | seats.squaredgainsaconc | gac |
seats | seats.squaredgainsasym | gaf |
seats | seats.squaredgaintrendconc | gtc |
seats | seats.squaredgaintrendsym | gtf |
seats | seats.timeshiftsaconc | tac |
seats | seats.timeshifttrendconc | ttc |
seats | seats.wkendfilter | wkf |
slidingspans | slidingspans.chngspans | chs |
slidingspans | slidingspans.indchngspans | cis |
slidingspans | slidingspans.indsaspans | ais |
slidingspans | slidingspans.indsfspans | sis |
slidingspans | slidingspans.indychngspans | yis |
slidingspans | slidingspans.sfspans | sfs |
slidingspans | slidingspans.tdspans | tds |
slidingspans | slidingspans.ychngspans | ycs |
spectrum | spectrum.speccomposite | is0 |
spectrum | spectrum.specindirr | is2 |
spectrum | spectrum.specindsa | is1 |
spectrum | spectrum.specirr | sp2 |
spectrum | spectrum.specorig | sp0 |
spectrum | spectrum.specresidual | spr |
spectrum | spectrum.specsa | sp1 |
spectrum | spectrum.specseatsextresiduals | ser |
spectrum | spectrum.specseatsirr | s2s |
spectrum | spectrum.specseatssa | s1s |
transform | transform.permprior | a2p |
transform | transform.permprioradjusted | a3p |
transform | transform.permprioradjustedptd | a4p |
transform | transform.prior | a2 |
transform | transform.prioradjusted | a3 |
transform | transform.prioradjustedptd | a4d |
transform | transform.seriesconstant | a1c |
transform | transform.tempprior | a2t |
transform | transform.transformed | trn |
x11 | x11.adjoriginalc | c1 |
x11 | x11.adjoriginald | d1 |
x11 | x11.adjustdiff | fad |
x11 | x11.adjustfac | d16 |
x11 | x11.adjustmentratio | e18 |
x11 | x11.biasfactor | bcf |
x11 | x11.calendar | d18 |
x11 | x11.calendaradjchanges | e8 |
x11 | x11.combholiday | chl |
x11 | x11.extreme | c20 |
x11 | x11.extremeb | b20 |
x11 | x11.irregular | d13 |
x11 | x11.irregularadjao | ira |
x11 | x11.irregularb | b13 |
x11 | x11.irregularc | c13 |
x11 | x11.irrwt | c17 |
x11 | x11.irrwtb | b17 |
x11 | x11.mcdmovavg | f1 |
x11 | x11.modirregular | e3 |
x11 | x11.modoriginal | e1 |
x11 | x11.modseasadj | e2 |
x11 | x11.modsic4 | c4 |
x11 | x11.modsid4 | d4 |
x11 | x11.origchanges | e5 |
x11 | x11.replacsi | d9 |
x11 | x11.replacsic9 | c9 |
x11 | x11.robustsa | e11 |
x11 | x11.sachanges | e6 |
x11 | x11.seasadj | d11 |
x11 | x11.seasadjb11 | b11 |
x11 | x11.seasadjb6 | b6 |
x11 | x11.seasadjc11 | c11 |
x11 | x11.seasadjc6 | c6 |
x11 | x11.seasadjconst | sac |
x11 | x11.seasadjd6 | d6 |
x11 | x11.seasonal | d10 |
x11 | x11.seasonaladjregsea | ars |
x11 | x11.seasonalb10 | b10 |
x11 | x11.seasonalb5 | b5 |
x11 | x11.seasonalc10 | c10 |
x11 | x11.seasonalc5 | c5 |
x11 | x11.seasonald5 | d5 |
x11 | x11.seasonaldi_ | fsd |
x11 | x11.sib3 | b3 |
x11 | x11.sib8 | b8 |
x11 | x11.tdadjorig | c19 |
x11 | x11.tdadjorigb | b19 |
x11 | x11.totaladjustment | tad |
x11 | x11.trend | d12 |
x11 | x11.trendadjls | tal |
x11 | x11.trendb2 | b2 |
x11 | x11.trendb7 | b7 |
x11 | x11.trendc2 | c2 |
x11 | x11.trendc7 | c7 |
x11 | x11.trendchanges | e7 |
x11 | x11.trendconst | tac |
x11 | x11.trendd2 | d2 |
x11 | x11.trendd7 | d7 |
x11 | x11.unmodsi | d8 |
x11 | x11.unmodsiox | d8b |
x11 | x11.yrtotals | e4 |
x11regression | x11regression.calendar | xca |
x11regression | x11regression.calendarb | bxc |
x11regression | x11regression.combcalendar | xcc |
x11regression | x11regression.combcalendarb | bcc |
x11regression | x11regression.combtradingday | c18 |
x11regression | x11regression.combtradingdayb | b18 |
x11regression | x11regression.extremeval | c14 |
x11regression | x11regression.extremevalb | b14 |
x11regression | | xhl |
x11regression | x11regression.holidayb | bxh |
x11regression | x11regression.outlieriter | xoi |
x11regression | x11regression.priortd | a4 |
x11regression | x11regression.tradingday | c16 |
x11regression | x11regression.tradingdayb | b16 |
x11regression | x11regression.x11reg | c15 |
x11regression | x11regression.x11regb | b15 |
x11regression | x11regression.xregressioncmatrix | xrc |
x11regression | x11regression.xregressionmatrix | xrm |
depending on the table, either an object of class "ts"
Vignette with a more detailed description:
Comprehensive list of R examples from the X-13ARIMA-SEATS manual:
Official X-13ARIMA-SEATS manual:
See Also
for the main function.
m <- seas(AirPassengers)
series(m, "fct") # re-evaluate with the forecast spec activated
# more than one series
series(m, c("rsd", "fct"))
m <- seas(AirPassengers, = "fct")
series(m, "fct") # no re-evaluation (much faster!)
# using long names
series(m, "forecast.forecasts")
# history spec
series(m, "history.trendestimates")
series(m, "history.sfestimates")
series(m, "history.saestimates")
series(m, c("history.sfestimates", "history.trendestimates"))
# slidingspans spec
series(m, "slidingspans.sfspans")
series(m, "slidingspans.ychngspans")
# fundamental identities of seasonal adjustment
# Y = T * I * (S * TD)
all.equal(AirPassengers, series(m, "seats.trend") *
series(m, "seats.irregular") * series(m, "seats.adjustfac"))
# Y_sa = Y / (S * TD)
all.equal(final(m), AirPassengers / series(m, "seats.adjustfac"))
### Some X-13ARIMA-SEATS functions can be replicated in R:
# X-13ARIMA-SEATS spectrum
plot(series(m, "spectrum.specorig")[,-1], t = "l")
# R equivalent: spectrum from stats
spectrum(diff(log(AirPassengers)), method = "ar")
# X-13ARIMA-SEATS pacf
x13.pacf <- series(m, "identify.pacf")
plot(x13.pacf[,1], t = "h")
# R equivalent: pacf from stats
pacf(AirPassengers, lag.max = 35)
# use with composite (see vignette("multiple", "seasonal"))
m_composite <- seas(
cbind(mdeaths, fdeaths),
composite = list(),
series.comptype = "add"
series(m_composite, "composite.indseasadj")