Seasonal Analysis and Graphics, Especially for Climatology

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Documentation for package ‘seas’ version 0.6-0

Help Pages

.seasmonthgrid Return title and properties for seasonal graphs
.seastitle Return title and properties for seasonal graphs
.seasxlab Return title and properties for seasonal graphs
.seasylab Return title and properties for seasonal graphs
A1128551.DLY MSC daily climate data file (DLY archive format) and instructions for Canadian Daily Climate Data CD-ROMs for analysis
change Find seasonal and annual changes between two data sets
conv365toGregorian Converts a data.frame using a 365-day calendar to a Gregorian calendar
dathomog Homogenize daily data sets
getstnname Get station name
hidden Return title and properties for seasonal graphs
image.seas.sum Show a seasonal sum data object
interarrival Calculate the interarrivals between and within precipitation events
lars Read and write data from LARS-WG file formats
lars2help Read and write data from LARS-WG file formats
mkann Make annum from a date
mkseas Make a date into a seasonal factor
mksub Make a subset of seasonal data
mscdata Meteorological Service of Canada sample climate data
mscstn Meteorological Service of Canada station information
plot.interarrival Plot interarrivals for precipitation
plot.precip.norm Plot seasonal normal of a variable, including precipitation normals
plot.precip.sum Plot boxplots of normalized seasonal sums
plot.seas.norm Plot seasonal normal of a variable, including precipitation normals
plot.seas.sum Plot boxplots of normalized seasonal sums
plot.seas.temp Plot seasonal temperature normals
plot.seas.var Plot seasonal normals of a given variable
plot.year Plot annual temperature and precipitation statistics
precip.dep Cumulative precipitation departure
precip.norm Calculate annual and seasonal 'normal' statistics, including precipitation normals
read.lars Read and write data from LARS-WG file formats
read.msc Read a MSC archive file into a data.frame
read.sdsm Read and write from SDSM
sdsm Read and write from SDSM
seas Seasonal statistics: the 'seas' package for R
seas.df.check Check the suitability of a data.frame, or seas.sum for seas
seas.norm Calculate annual and seasonal 'normal' statistics, including precipitation normals
seas.sum Seasonal sum data object
seas.sum.check Check the suitability of a data.frame, or seas.sum for seas
seas.temp.plot Plot seasonal temperature normals
seas.var.plot Plot seasonal normals of a given variable
SeasOpts Options for seas
setSeasOpts Options for seas
summerland Example LARS-WG data file of synthetic data from Summerland, BC
Summerland.dat Read and write data from LARS-WG file formats
summerland.dat Example LARS-WG data file of synthetic data from Summerland, BC Example LARS-WG data file of synthetic data from Summerland, BC Read and write data from LARS-WG file formats Write climate data in the format used by the HELP model
write.lars Read and write data from LARS-WG file formats
write.lars.scenario Read and write data from LARS-WG file formats
write.sdsm Read and write from SDSM
year.length Calculate the number of days in a year
year.plot Plot annual temperature and precipitation statistics