sdwd {sdwd}R Documentation

fit the sparse DWD


Fits the sparse distance weighted discrimination (SDWD) model with imposing L1, elastic-net, or adaptive elastic-net penalties. The solution path is computed at a grid of values of tuning parameter lambda. This function is modified based on the glmnet and the gcdnet packages.


sdwd(x, y, nlambda=100, 
     lambda.factor=ifelse(nobs < nvars, 0.01, 1e-04), 
     lambda=NULL, lambda2=0, pf=rep(1, nvars), 
     pf2=rep(1, nvars), exclude, dfmax=nvars + 1, 
     pmax=min(dfmax * 1.2, nvars), standardize=TRUE, 
     eps=1e-8, maxit=1e6, strong=TRUE)



A matrix with NN rows and pp columns for predictors.


A vector of length pp for binary responses. The element of y is either -1 or 1.


The number of lambda values, i.e., length of the lambda sequence. Default is 100.


The ratio of the smallest to the largest lambda in the sequence: lambda.factor = min(lambda) / max(lambda). max(lambda) is the least lambda to make all coefficients to be zero. The default value of lambda.factor is 0.0001 if N>=pN >= p or 0.01 if N<pN < p. Takes no effect when user specifies a lambda sequence.


An optional user-supplied lambda sequence. If lambda = NULL (default), the program computes its own lambda sequence based on nlambda and lambda.factor; otherwise, the program uses the user-specified one. Since the program will automatically sort user-defined lambda sequence in decreasing order, it is better to supply a decreasing sequence.


The L2 tuning parameter λ2\lambda_2.


A vector of length pp representing the L1 penalty weights to each coefficient of β\beta for adaptive L1 or adaptive elastic net. pf can be 0 for some predictor(s), leading to including the predictor(s) all the time. One suggested choice of pf is (β+1/n)1{(\beta + 1/n)}^{-1}, where nn is the sample size and β\beta is the coefficents obtained by L1 DWD or enet DWD. Default is 1 for all predictors (and infinity if some predictors are listed in exclude).


A vector of length pp for L2 penalty factor for adaptive L1 or adaptive elastic net. To allow different L2 shrinkage, user can set pf2 to be different L2 penalty weights for each coefficient of β\beta. pf2 can be 0 for some variables, indicating no L2 shrinkage. Default is 1 for all predictors.


Whether to exclude some predictors from the model. This is equivalent to adopting an infinite penalty factor when excluding some predictor. Default is none.


Restricts at most how many predictors can be incorporated in the model. Default is p+1p+1. This restriction is helpful when pp is large, provided that a partial path is acceptable.


Restricts the maximum number of variables ever to be nonzero; e.g, once some β\beta enters the model, it counts once. The count will not change when the β\beta exits or re-enters the model. Default is min(dfmax*1.2,p).


Whether to standardize the data. If TRUE, sdwd normalizes the predictors such that each column has sum squaresi=1Nxij2/N=1\sum^N_{i=1}x_{ij}^2/N=1 of one. Note that x is always centered (i.e. i=1Nxij=0\sum^N_{i=1}x_{ij}=0) no matter standardize is TRUE or FALSE. sdwd always returns coefficient beta on the original scale. Default value is TRUE.


The algorithm stops when (i.e. 4maxj(βjnewβjold)24\max_j(\beta_j^{new}-\beta_j^{old})^2 is less than eps, where j=0,,pj=0,\ldots, p. Defaults value is 1e-8.


Restricts how many outer-loop iterations are allowed. Default is 1e6. Consider increasing maxit when the algorithm does not converge.


If TRUE, adopts the strong rule to accelerate the algorithm.


The sdwd minimizes the sparse penalized DWD loss function,

L(y,X,β)/N+λ1β1+0.5λ2β22,L(y, X, \beta)/N + \lambda_1||\beta||_1 + 0.5\lambda_2||\beta||_2^2,

where L(u)=1uL(u)=1-u if u1/2u \le 1/2, 1/(4u)1/(4u) if u>1/2u > 1/2 is the DWD loss. The value of lambda2 is user-specified.

To use the L1 penalty (lasso), set lambda2=0. To use the elastic net, set lambda2 as nonzero. To use the adaptive L1, set lambda2=0 and specify pf and pf2. To use the adaptive elastic net, set lambda2 as nonzero and specify pf and pf2 as well.

When the algorithm do not converge or run slow, consider increasing eps, decreasing nlambda, or increasing lambda.factor before increasing maxit.


An object with S3 class sdwd.


A vector of length length(lambda) representing the intercept at each lambda value.


A matrix of dimension p*length(lambda) representing the coefficients at each lambda value. The matrix is stored as a sparse matrix (Matrix package). To convert it into normal type matrix use as.matrix().


The number of nonzero coefficients at each lambda.


The dimension of coefficient matrix, i.e., p*length(lambda).


The lambda sequence that was actually used.


Total number of iterations for all lambda values.


Warnings and errors; 0 if no error.


The call that produced this object.


Boxiang Wang and Hui Zou
Maintainer: Boxiang Wang


Wang, B. and Zou, H. (2016) “Sparse Distance Weighted Discrimination", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 25(3), 826–838.

Friedman, J., Hastie, T., and Tibshirani, R. (2010), "Regularization paths for generalized linear models via coordinate descent", Journal of Statistical Software, 33(1), 1–22.

Marron, J.S., Todd, M.J., and Ahn, J. (2007) “Distance-Weighted Discrimination", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 102(408), 1267–1271.

Tibshirani, Robert., Bien, J., Friedman, J.,Hastie, T.,Simon, N.,Taylor, J., and Tibshirani, Ryan. (2012) Strong Rules for Discarding Predictors in Lasso-type Problems, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 74(2), 245–266.

Yang, Y. and Zou, H. (2013) “An Efficient Algorithm for Computing the HHSVM and Its Generalizations", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 22(2), 396–415.

See Also

print.sdwd, predict.sdwd, coef.sdwd, plot.sdwd, and cv.sdwd.


# load the data
# fit the elastic-net penalized DWD with lambda2=1
fit = sdwd(colon$x, colon$y, lambda2=1)
# coefficients at some lambda value
c1 = coef(fit, s=0.005)
# make predictions
predict(fit, newx=colon$x[1:10, ], s=c(0.01, 0.005))

[Package sdwd version 1.0.5 Index]